Cronavken Goliath Herd Organization in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Cronavken Goliath Herd

The Cronavken Herd is a migratory tribe of goliaths that spend their seasons moving between the Pillars of Winter, the Garden of the Ancients, and the Glassfingers; searching for food.   A smaller herd, they currently number just over 20. At one point their numbers had bloomed to over twice that but cruel weather, rival goliath herds, and the monsters of the wild have caused their number to dwindle.   Like other goliaths, the Cronavken herd tattoo themselves extensively. For the Cronavken herd these tattoos are more than ornamental; they are unique and often depict important moments in the goliath's life.   The Cronavken Herd are generally peaceful folk but can be quite formidable when roused to anger or forced to defend themselves. This is especially true of their Chieftan, Juttakren Cronavken whose violent temper and brutal tactics have helped protect the herd's numbers from falling any lower.   Other notable herd members include:   Thannik CronavkenMyllkli Cronavken, and Keokan Cronavken.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Notable Members


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