Ametiterius Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Ametiterius has power over almost all of mankind. She is the seducer and the charmer. Ametiterius’ presence is felt in all endeavors of the heart, from friendship to marriage. Young girls often pray to her at night to bring their dream lover to them. Sometimes their prayer is answered. She is the stuff of dreams and her call is irresistible, even to the gods. Though many have vied for her affections, she has given herself only to Slagemon. She still holds the keys to his heart, but has yet to swear herself to him. She is often depicted as a strikingly beautiful woman with long shimmering hair and irresistible, shimmering eyes. Many craftsmen and artist dedicate their lives to Ametitrius, striving their entire lives to create a perfect work that might do her honor.   All clerical followers of Ametiterius are required to complete a 5 year mission to “spread the love” to places foreign to them. This does not necessarily mean that they are all sexually prolific; although many of them are, other devotees believe in strict chastity. Ametiterius followers usually adorn themselves in the colors of their goddess: deep purples, reds, and pinks.   The chief holy day of Ametiterius is the Feast of St. Rudolph, occurring on February the 14th.   Love is the first rule of the priests and priestesses of Ametiterius so there is not one holy text. Clerical members are known, however, to pass out pamphlets explaining their faith to any would be converts. Recently, a work of a major prophet of Ametitetrius has surfaced entitled, “Doin It.”

Divine Domains

Love, Healing

Holy Books & Codes

Many different pamphlets including "Doin' It"


The Feast of St. Rudolph
Divine Classification


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