The king's patronage in Magudonya | World Anvil
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The king's patronage

To help prevent the occurrence of wild magic, the kings of Engle have for many generations offered a patronage to any innate sorcerers that are discovered so they can go to the School of Occult Studies to learn how to control their sorcery.   An innate sorcerer has to stay with the School until they have proven that they can control their sorcery and the cost to house, feed and teach the students is 5 Engles per month. Those that are rich enough, pay their fees directly on a month-by-month basis. Those that can't afford to pay, have their fees paid by the Crown with the understanding that they pay back this patronage either in coin or through service to the Crown once they are of an age of fifteen.   Recipients of this patronage are expected to pay it back doing service to the kingdom in some manner. Many are employed doing public service. Some serve in the Engelian armed forces or the guards. Others are assigned as personal magi to important officials.


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