School of Occult Studies Medallions of Rank Item in Magudonya | World Anvil
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School of Occult Studies Medallions of Rank

Students and alumni of the School of Occult Studies in Constantine are all given a medallion showing their level of achievement.
Medallion of a Master of the School of Occult Studies   The medallions, which are about four centimetres across, have the emblem of the School on their front and the owner of the medallion's name inscribed into the back side of the disk in Sorendenese.   The emblem of the school is the Lion of Engle with a sorcerer's aura.   On the back of the medallion is an inset disk about the size of a thumb print, which can be used to prove ownership of the medallion. Methods for doing this vary, but the result is that only the owner of the medallion can make their medallion glow with a soft light the colour of which varies with the individual. The ability to do this is deemed as proof of ownership.   There are four classes of medallion:
  • Bronze: worn by students.
  • Silver: worn by graduates, who are also given the title journeyman.
  • Gold: worn by teachers at the school, both past and present, who are also given the title master or magus.
  • Platinum: worn by the current head of the school, who is also given the title archmagus.
The archmagus's medallion is twice the size of the other medallions and is unique, passed on with the position.  
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