Tel'giri-Anar Species in Magnifique | World Anvil


Tel'giri-Anar (The Dolls)
A Cosmic Species that has developed resistances and immunities to that which seeks to harm or change them. From Magical & Physical Damage to Supernatural Manipulations, the Dolls through the actions of their ancestors the Posthumans, have become nigh-invulnerable survivors of the multiverse's worst.

Tel'giri-Anar boast Resistance to: Fire Damage, Frost Damage, Acid Damage, Sonic Damage, Lightning Damage, Magical Effects, Physical Damage, Possession, Fear Manipulation, Emotion Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Matter Manipulation & Existence Manipulation.

Tel'giri-Anar possess Full Immunity to: Poison, Toxins, Disease, Viruses, Parasites, Infection, Mutation, Drugs, Medicine, Aging, Life Energy Overload, Charms, Hypnosis, Paralysis, Sleep, Transformation, Petrification, Transmutation, Absorption, Curses, Hexes, Mind Control, Mind Swaps, Mind Erasure, Mind Alteration, Soul Swaps, Soul Erasure, Soul Stealing, Soul Alteration, Decay, Death Manipulation, Corpse Reanimation, Time Manipulation, Reality Manipulation, Concept Manipulation.

In addition, they have several unique powers that help them survive the harsh threats of the multiverse. If they are possessed, their soul is wired into their body in such a different way that it is impossible for the foreign spirit to pilot the body. They store their memories in their Aura, which are intrinsic to their souls, allowing them the ability to recover all memories they've ever experienced free from reality and memory manipulations. They possess a host of powerful offensive and defensive magical and cosmic powers as well.


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