Szazsak Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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The szazsak are the remnant of a once great Xulgath culture, now restricted to the settlement of Carch in the Grand Duchy of Sah in darklands Irralish.
  Szazsak culture venerates the ancestors of the great kingdom and worship is held around the statues, ziggurats and other monuments left behind by their forebears.
  The current leader of the Szazsak determines much of the society and a change in leader can change the Szazsaks from a violent group of demon worshipers to a much more civil society pondering the works of those of ages past. The leader of the Szazsaks is the strongest single combatant and leadership passes when the old leader is killed in a duel. Summoning demons or other creatures is considered fair play in these duels as it shows the ability to command power.


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