Rohand Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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The Rohand lizardfolk live on a large hubward island between Irralish and Jiiral. The rohand have been isolated for their entire existence and have few threats on their island. They coexist with the dinosaurids, having domesticated or hunted to extinction any that could see them as prey.
  With plentiful food in their lush forests, easy access to water from fresh springs and streams and picturesque beaches, rohandians have little to want for.
  Travelers to Rohand Island find themselves on an alien world. The ecosystem here, like in much of the darklands, is based not on sunlight but instead geothermal activity. Trees grow branches primarily to support seed distribution or in some cases to extract energy from the temperature difference between the heat of their roots and the frigid air high in the sky. Fungi nodules form around geothermal vents and typically form the basis of the food chain. Plants feed on these fungi in a strange reversal of the order of things elsewhere on Magarth. Despite the continuous geothermal activity, Rohand Island is surprisingly stable with no volcanism or notable quakes in memory.
  The rohand, under the guidance of atorfik sailors, have recently established a port and shipbuilding operations and now serve as a potential waystation between Irralish and Jiiral. While trade is negligible currently, this could soon change.


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