Eble Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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Eble Caligni revere Owb as representatives of their ancestor gods and enact occult rituals to appease these avatars. Most settlements have one or more Owb that serve as religious leaders and advisors to the ruling lord. These owb strictly forbid any light source or colour so eble dress in strict greyscale garb, often mottled greys and white that blend in with their alpine homes.
  During the summer months when their settlements receive sunlight, eble are active only in darkness. These settlements often have large windowless passageways connecting public buildings and temples which allows society to function during the endless sun of midsummer. Caligni priests are careful to shepherd their owb guests through the darkened interior to avoid inciting their anger at the sun. Petitioners are often scheduled for these endless days and larger towns have somber festivals arranged around distracting the owb.
  The moons also cause consternation between the eble and their owb patrons. While their light is less offensive to the owb than sunlight, the owb still detest being directly struck by a moonbeam so care is taken to only have suffused light in any owb-accessible areas.
  Even more troublesome are the rings of Magarth. Despite not producing sufficient light to affect the owb, the ever-present colours drive owb into a rage. Caligni priests have developed wards that filter drain the colour from this light within their towns resulting in most eble not knowing that the rings actually have colour at all.
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