Bilnul Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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The bilnul gugs lair in settlements below the snow coming to the surface to hunt in darkness, either alone or in small groups. As they possess voracious appetites, most gugs consume the creatures they catch, but some instead kidnap their victims and retreat below the surface, leaving only a lingering stench and odd, clawed paw-prints. Victims are taken to rancid lairs marked with strange runes and sacrificed to the gugs’ wicked gods of blood, darkness, and nightmares. Dire rumors tell of lightless gug cities made of titanic blocks of stone and ice, where powerful gug leaders preach their vile doctrines to mobs of howling gugs.
  Bilnul don’t traditionally make religion and faith a key part of their society, but their settlements feature prominent temples to obscure gods whose faith has passed from view on Magarth.
Encompassed species


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