Fall to Madness Document in Maelan | World Anvil

Fall to Madness

Fall to Madness

I have lived longer than I should have. I did things I am not proud of, but it had to be done, not for me but for those who follow. However, I can hear the Gravewalker knocking. My time is up. I will be with you again soon. I hope you can forgive me Jenar. The Adrak protected us from the calamity. They had been running longer than ever before. Centuries if not longer, I lost track of time. We all did. The Adrak of Tul'Terrion not only prevented us from suffocating it also kept us alive way past our due... it drove people mad. The last of the Joghat went mad and slaughtered each other. And all we wanted to do, was get rid of the dragons and live in peace. Well, it seems the dragons won... I am sure the Lich Queen is still out there, laughing at what we did just to get rid of her, and we failed.   Before I go, there are things that need to be archived, however. The calamity was not the unleashing of a new rivven, no it was something else entirely. I still don't grasp what the Naviri did, but it changed everything. The rivven are sick, I can feel it. There is a huge wound, and the rivven are bleeding. I fear the rivven might be forever lost to us. With time, it has become more and more difficult to access my rivven and weave magic.   I used the last of my energy to construct the cage for Gullitiklan. He, or rather it is one of the many surprises the calamity brought along with it. It is a creature so strange and alien, I can barely begin to understand it. Capturing it, was not easy. I had to resort to capturing its surrounding lair with it and shove it into a small Oblivik. The Oblivik should hold, at least for the foreseeable future.  

The Aboleth

  Gullitiklan is definitely an aquatic creature. It cannot survive for very long outside of the water. But then again, there is never really a reason for it to get out of the water for very long.   It can speak telepathically over long distances and once you talk to it, it knows everything about you. With that knowledge, it manipulates you into doing what it wants, and if that doesn't work it simply digs into your mind and pushes you out. It controls you, and once you"re in its thrall it is difficult to get out. Oh, Jenar...   We recruited a few fellow Joghat, presented them to Gullitiklan, and put them into the Kryssalik for safekeeping and observation. Some of them died, others turned into something worse.   Out of eight, only three survived. They turned into these things, their skin turned a dark blue, purple hue and their head was replaced with a giant octopus. It was a horrible sight to behold and we were no longer the masters in our own home. I don't know what we did, but years passed I have no memories off. Jenar was the first to break free, and he died for it...   I had given up, ready to face the same fate, when I was saved by the unlikeliest of allies. Xhar'Neda herself came to my rescue. Still, in full control of her rivven she dispatched most of the Illithid (that is what they called themselves). Those that were left fled, among them two of the three originals, Zephradekt and Vugrubol.   Not many words were spoken between us, I thanked her and assured her I never had and never would hold on to the ancient grudge. She laughed and said:   "Stop living in the past and welcome the new world. What once was, is no longer and will never be again. What seemed important and monumental will be just a speck of dust in the winds of time."  

The Oblivik

  An Oblivik usually serves as a contraption which interrupts the flow of a small part of a rivven and stabilize it enough that you could use it as an extradimensional space to store all kinds of stuff in. These weren't really meant as a prison, but they can fulfill the same purpose.   Gullitiklan's Oblivik is anchored with four Edrinok stones. These should keep it running for all eternity. There are now two ways of releasing the Oblivik. The usual one of infusing the Oblivik with enough magic to release its locks. The second would be to smash the Edrinok stones, but only the Valantir know what would happen then. Either way is going to be risky, as it is also going to release the part of Mellion that we imprisoned together with Gullitiklan.  

The Aftermath

She helped me recapture Gullitiklan, who was hiding in the broken rivven of Mellion. The effects of the calamity seemed even more pronounced within. While we found Gullitiklan and managed to capture him, it was clear he was not the only one of his kind. There were others that eluded us, maybe even too many to hunt. Afterward, the Lich Queen left me alone never to be seen again.   I named Gullitiklan's kind Aboleth. When I told him, he seemed indifferent, like he couldn't care about the labels I put on him. For a long time now, he has been my only companion in this abode of mine. And yet, I still do not understand what it wants from us. Their goals are so unclear, their minds incomprehensible and alien. Trying to understand it might have been a lost cause.   It is true enough, their kind are here to stay, maybe they shall eventually become the new rulers. I don't even know how many Joghat are still left if any. Maybe I am the last one, and with me our legacy will finally die. Not the blaze of glory many hoped for, but rather just a speck of dust carried away.   I have enough time left. I will use the last of my rivven to safeguard these books. Maybe that way, the speck of dust of the Joghat can be a little bigger.     Siroch, the Learned

Historical Details


The book was rediscovered by Tenacious-Tsunami in the year 211 EoL, while exploring ancient Giant ruins, hidden in the mountains of Vrinn Island.
Manuscript, Historical
Authoring Date