Tide Mason Character in M'Zeri | World Anvil

Tide Mason (T-eye-duh)

Tide Mason (a.k.a. Latisha Whitney)

Tide is an assassin that works for The Sicarus. She was given up by her parents Owen and Madison as the latter wasn't mentally well enough to look after her. She was placed for adoption but was taken by The Sicarus, having her official records removed.  

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tide wears a black coat, trousers and boots.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Tide was given a basic education, and then was given training to become a killer. She was made to kill animals at a young age, before being given human targets.   When The Sicarus were under the impression she was ready, Tide was given actual targets to hunt down.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Optimistic - Tide looks on the brighter side of life, despite her upbringing.
  • Quick-Thinking - Tide is very resourceful and can make sensible decisions very quickly, since a lot of the time her targets are bigger than her.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Emotionally Stunted - Due to being brought up in harsh environment without family, Tide doesn't know how to properly express emotions.
  • Childish - Tide acts immature to others at times.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Bubbles - Tide finds bubbles relaxing and usually has a container of them on hand.
  • Knives - Tide likes collecting various knives, even though she doesn't always use them.


  • Idle - Tide doesn't enjoy standing around doing nothing, and usually has to occupy herself with something.


Family Ties

  • Owen Mason, Madison Gardiner - Tide hasn't seen her parents since she was given away, though she is curious about meeting them some day.
  • Racquett Parker - Tide was happy when she found out she had a sibling, and had went looking for him. They are on good terms.

Other Relationships

  • Orianna Hutson - Tide and Orianna are on friendly terms, though Tide can overstep the professional boundary at times.
  • Grey Foreman - Tide and Grey are on strained terms, as she did not like him back when they were in training.

Mental characteristics


23 (Portwich)
Date of Birth
25th October 2545nb
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale
Aligned Organization


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