Shapeshifter Language Language in M'Zeri | World Anvil

Shapeshifter Language

The shapeshifter language is a verbal and written system developed by the shapeshifters. It's defining characteristic is it's dependence on the individual's personal letter placement.  


The current language of the shapeshifters is a result of a combination of multiple languages they had previously spoke over their existence.   It eventually became more unified when the shapeshifters began space exploration. Remnants of the now extinct languages can be seen in the region variations.

Lettering and Structure

There are 26 letters in the alphabet   Shapeshifters develop a distinct letter placement pattern which serves as a recognisable signature within their language.   This pattern includes both specific letter placement, to smaller details as letter overlaps, rotations and variations in size at specific locations of words.
Shapeshifter Alphabet

Regional Variations

The positioning of the letters doesn't just reflect the individual's writing habits, but also provides insights in the writer's cultural and regional background.   Experts in the language are able to pinpoint various locations that the individual may have been brought up or educated in as well as their emotional state at the time of writing.

Intra-document Variation

Some variations of "Hello"
As well as individual letter patterns, some shapeshifters take advantage of the flexibility of the language and incorporate variations within a single document. Intra-document variation are used for a variety of reasons, to discourage imposters/fraud, to show off, to incorporate more nuanced and hidden meanings, etc.   This can add an additional layer of complexity and frustration for non-shapeshifters attempting to understand texts leading to rules of a specific standard the Shapeshifters are required to use when communicating to non-shapeshifters.


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