Issac Serino Character in M'Zeri | World Anvil

Issac Serino (I-sack)

Issac Serino

Issac is a resident of Harcourt. He used to have a gig as a drug dealer until he was caught after one of his younger brothers found his stash and got hooked. Issac got arrested for possessing and supplying after his family found out what he had been doing.   He now works as security guard for Galaxy Fun World.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

When not in uniform, Issac is usually seen wearing a grey hoodies and trousers.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Issac had okay grades going through school, and was working to get a business related job however after he had been arrested and has a criminal record his opinions grew slim. He was hired by Finley Newman as a security guard for Galaxy Fun World.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Level-headed - Issac usually keeps a level-head and doesn't freak out over things.
  • Reserved - Issac is usually quiet and keeps to himself, preferring to keep out of trouble.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Impulsive - Issac usually jumps into situations without properly thinking about it first.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Outdoors - Issac likes being outside, and enjoys things like camping or going on walks.
  • Swimming - Issac goes swimming at least once a week.


  • Rats - Issac hates rats and their beady eyes.
  • Smokers - Issac dislikes smoking, and is not a fan of people who smoke.


Family Ties

Issac has been completely disowned by his family and while he does miss them, he understands why they did it and holds no hard feelings about it. While he doesn't regret dealing drugs, he does regret having most likely ruined his brother's life.
  • Alex Serino - Issac and Alex have a very strained relationship due to actions that the former has done, however Alex is one of the few in the family that hasn't outright disowned Issac and two occasionally talk on the phone.

Other Relationships

  • Seth Glover - Issac gets along okay with Seth but finds him to be too aggressive and rude.
  • Cameron Hobbs - Issac gets along well with Cameron, but finds him to be too awkward at times.
  • Bernard Woods - Issac is intimidated by Bernard and finds him suspicious. He suspects that Bernard might be the one behind the child disappearances but hasn't been able to prove it.
  • Derek Fisher - Issac gets long well with Derek and usually works with him on the night shift.

Mental characteristics


26 (Portwich)
Date of Birth
Short blond hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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