Knowledge Rune Spell in Lumenos | World Anvil
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Knowledge Rune


The first use of knowledge runes dates back to the Elder Dragons and the first clans of Dragonfolk. When the Elder Dragons were dying they left powerful magics in the forms of these runes scattered across the world. These runes were mainly for fellow dragons, and not for the mortal races, although many have been used by the mortal races since then. Only a few dozen runes have been found of the eras, and less than a quorter have been unlocked.


The method of creating a knowledge rune is fairly clear - draw a rune, burn incense, drink the memory potion, and then focus on the knowledge. However, the issues arise in the materials for this spell. Each arcane rune for the knowledge rune spell differs. For example, the larger the amount or the more intricate the information is the more complex the rune must be. As well as each form of knowledge has its own form of the rune. Most all knowledge can be divvied up into 11 different groups. The first 10 are the schools of Magic and the last is for any mundane or non magical information. With 11 major variations and then increased complexity depending on the amount of information recreating these runes has been impossible. On top of the runes themselves being complex each of the 11 groups has a different material that the runes must be made from. Once the spell is cast the rune generally takes the color and texture of the surface around it, until it is activated then it glows a certain color. The only group whos material is known today is illusion which requires pulverized sapphire in the amount of 2,000 gp. This information was brought into the common era through the Dreamsong Manuscripts.


Once the knowledge rune is competed all information given to it is safely stored within it. This knowledge will be given unto any mage who wishes it and meets the requirements set out in its casting. For the runes created by the Elder Dragons the requirements were generally set out as trials. These trials would test a mage's ability in the field of magic that the information regarded, as well as, their willingness to help protect it.

Current Date -
The Yet Unnamed Year of 1494 ce

Material Components
A solid surface large enough to hold an arcane rune, a drawing implement (the exact implement depends on the type of knowledge rune), burnable herbs or incense, and one dose of the memory potion.
Gestures & Ritual
A complex arcane rune must be drawn on a solid surface. Herbs or incense must then be lit and continentally burn while the caster meditates for 24 hours. During that time the caster must mentally focus on the information they want to be stored within the rune. As the medication begins the caster must consume something called the 'memory potion.'
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Until Dispelled
Effect Casting Time
24 hours
10 feet


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