King of Noon "Jester" Character in LumenOrbis | World Anvil

King of Noon "Jester"

Lord Admiral King of Noon (a.k.a. Jester)

Göttliche Domänen

Life, Noon and Creation

Heilige Symbole & Zeichen

His twohanded sword.


High Noons Mid-Summer Fest.

Göttliche Ziele & Bestrebungen

Live everyday to the limit, enjoy life and embrace the Storm.

Physical Description

Allgemeiner Physischer Zustand

Jester is muscular and tall, his hair is grown wildly and his aura is of an immense heat.


The Jester is a tall man with a slightly tanned skin. if people were to see only his face they might take him for a disheveled aristocrat. He has very curly hair from the colour of fire as well as a goatee of the same colour.


If people were to see only his face they might take him for a disheveled aristocrat.

Individuelle Charakteristiken

His eyes resemble the red of a burning forge and when he smiles it seems like something bad is about to happen.

Besondere Fähigkeiten

He is powefull in magic and physical strenght being able to lift a hundret tons and more with out much effort. He is nearly immortal and has immens regenerative abilities.

Kleidung & Schmuck

He is often dressed in a loose black vest, fixed and kept in place by the leather strap of a massive sheath that is strapped across is back. He wears a thick red hipwrap instead of a belt and uses it keep up the neary white sturdy pants that resemble those a sailor might wear. His feet are hidden in thick leather boots in which the lower end of the trousers disappear.


His massive, two handed sword when drawn seems to have a blade of the colour of the sun, emitting an insane heat and it is as good as impossible to stop his devastating swings.

Mental characteristics

Persönliche Geschichte

Jester was born togehter with his siblings long long ago, and after a century of self orientation he assisted the other three in the creation of the first world. Subsequently they re-created the world 9 more times where by the tenth will be last they will be able to create. On LumenOrbis he took it onto himself to act as the Patron Guardian of the Islandnation of the Ravarker. With his energetic and lifeloving attitude he enjoys his time with the wild and active People of the Isle.

Gender Identity



Lord Admiral of the Ravarkers, this is basically their King tho he dosent like being called that.

Leistungen & Erfolge

Creation of the Solarsystem, different roles of godhood and rulership over 10 diffrent Worlds.

Personality Characteristics


Jester enjoys live, he lives for having fun and enjoys big wild festivals since he represents the strongest most lively part of the Day.


Kontakte & Beziehungen

Other Gods, His Prophet, the Captains of the Ravarker fleet.


He has three siblings: Lady of Dawn, Lord of Dusk and Queen of Night.

Religiöse Ansichten

Well, he does belive in himself.


He is a charismatic speaker but show a huge self confidence in the way he acts.


King of Noon "Jester"

Brother (Vital)

Towards Lady of Dawn



Lady of Dawn

Sister (Vital)

Towards King of Noon "Jester"




They created and destroyed Worlds side by side.

Vermögens- und Finanzlage

He has alot of plundered and mined riches but in his position he rarely uses them. He owns a few mansions all over the Island.
Göttliche Klassifizierung
Creator God
Titel & Berufsbezeichnung
Lord Admiral
Year of Birth
199999000 BTI 199999530 Years old
Firery orange-red
bright fiery orange
Known Languages
All Languages written and spoken on LumenOrbis


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