Aravwin Species in LumenOrbis | World Anvil

The Aravwin are on of the Races directly created by the Gods, next to the Dwarfs, Nabouri and Depthwalkers their mission was to guard and protect the skies of LumenOrbis. Their lives were easy but despite being never challenged on their flying islands they kept at least a basic training for warriors going, with full conscription to the army being voluntarily.   Additionally they are able to utilize their fine, nearly invisible aura to rouse winds and with enough skill even storms.   Compared to other races they were only minimally affected by The Soulathrophy as their Islands weren't close to the ground zero when the initial event occured, still, as they were to find out half a century later, this mercy was not something they would be able to flourish upon.   The Slaughter of the Aeroarchipel brough an end to their civilzation and turned the survivors into refugees with other civilizations.

Basic Information


They are distinguishable by their avian features. These can be hidden but not for an extended frame of time so that their wings, as well as their clawed hands and feathery ears. Also remarkable are their bright, often warmly coloured eyes.

Genetik und Vermehrung

They have a short internal pregnancy before birthing a opaque ball of veins and resilient skin in which the baby will grow from the reserves stored in it before, when its fully deflated, being born with soft feathers, wing bones and claws.

Wachstumsrate & -stadien

Aravwin age, at the beginning, similar to humans. In a year their wing bones become solid, and their feathers regrow harder and more resilient whilst the hardened skin around their claws darkens and becomes thicker at the same time as the claws grow into sharp weapons. When they physically resemble a human of circa 20 years their aging slows to a crawl so that a decade could pass without them visibly aging. The only thing that will noticeably grow in this time is their aura, as it is a direct reflection of their lifeforce. Aravwin can age into a very high age, though the exact limit has not been observed very often as a lot of then old Aravwin died in the battle for their home.

Ökologie und Lebensräume

Aravwin commonly live on high peaks and other elevated positions, but can acclimate over time to living on even ground even if they require regular flying to not fall into a state of depression and dark thoughts. They used to live on the Aeroarchipel but were driven out during the War of Light.

Ernährung und Gewohnheiten

They are basically omnivores, eating plants the grow on their islands and holding animals for breeding and food. Fish is also an often available source as the Aeroarchipel often flys over the oceans.

Additional Information

Wahrnehmung und sensorische Fähigkeiten

Their eyes are extraordinary sharp and their feathery ears are able to pick up sounds even over howling winds and pounding rain.
Wissenschaftlicher Name
600 Years
Whilst they have been a functional civilization and society, the invasion put an end to that and scattered them all over Calidoria.   Whereby once they did no longer stood as a united the front, the angels did no longer mind their existence. Many moved to the Sharrim, helping them in their trade and travels whilst the second biggest group sought a new home with the Ravarkers, with many pledging their service to the captains and admirals of the isles.
Durchschnittliche Größe
Durchschnittliches Gewicht
80 Kg


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