Two out of the Sack Item in Lukomorye | World Anvil
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Two out of the Sack

This is a magical sack given to the Yokels by some toadstool servitors of a leshy they defeated. According to the toadstools, anyone who recites the command "two out of the sack", two servants appear to minister to the summoner. It was later learned that the sack was in fact cursed, because the "two" summoned out of the sack were thugs armed in cudgels, who would beat the summoner while saying that they would teach them a lesson.   Sasha later magically ascertained that the thugs would continue to perform their work until the summoner was rendered unconscious, or until they were themselves knocked out and thereby sent back into the sack. She also learned that there was a command to reverse the effect - speaking the line "two into the sack" accomplished this outcome without having to fight.   Subsequently, Chonkorchuk led an effort to investigate the sack in order to see if it could be turned into a useful item. It was discovered that magically faking someone else's voice made the thugs assume that that person is the summoner. The attempt to educate the thugs after summoning them by intimidating them proved fruitless, as the thugs seems to remember nothing about their previous summoning. Likewise, it is not clear, so far, whether the sack constitutes a separate Realm.   The sack is currently in the Yokels' possession.


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