Leofrian Calendar in Lucidiette | World Anvil

Leofrian Calendar

The Leofrian Calendar was adopted by King Calmest at the behest of Primus Siobhán who believed that the discovery of the Thuumdala warranted a change in the way time is calculated. Siobhán proposed a calendar that revolved around the Thuumdala's influence at its most potent and most diminished. Janusus and Decimem mark the beginning and end of the Calendar when the Dream is the closest and most accessible, while Jinn and Jolu mark the middle of the calendar when the Dream is the most distant, and Lucidiation is near impossible.   The seven holy days of the week are named in honor of the path one must take to become a Lucidiette. On the Moonday, one must take the plunge into the infinite and surrender to the Dream of the Cosmos. On the Toilday, one must exhaust the limits of their sanity by accepting the alteration of their mind in preparation for the Thuumdala's grace. On the Wealday, one's mind is unshackled from it's psionic distortion, and is granted glimpses into the Original Dream. On the Oathday, one must pledge deathless fealty to the grace of the Thuumdala before being granted access to the entirety of the Original Dream. On the Fireday, one discovers the unyielding power of the Dream and the myriad of possibilities ingrained within its very fabric. On the Starday, one is taught how to harness this possibility and manifest it into the waking world through Lucidiation. And on the Sunday, one becomes a master of the Dream with the means, and the avowal, to bend reality to their immeasurable will.