Inscus Character in Lucem Edi | World Anvil
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The nations jester. Appearing all around Edi he plays his tricks, riddles and hidden prophecies for the people. Inscus never seems to grow tired of performing for children's happiness, the activity he's mostly known for. Most of the times you realize when he's vanished again or your child tells you he played with it, due to his love for disguise.

This leads to his other side. Nobody knows who he is. He has several masks, all of them having an entry in the Book of Masks put in at different times. No Tabrus ever remembered to add it nor any Conrus him becoming a mask.

There are numerous assumptions and myths about his origin, abilities and ways. The facts that we seem to know are:
He exists about half the time Lucem Edi does, thus has outlived many generations.
When a new mask of him appears in the Book of Masks something major will be happening.
Nobody seems to be aware enough to catch the moment he appears. Suddenly he's around you. His tricks are envied even by the best Lucemi.
I doubt there is anyone besides our deity who knows more about Lucem Edi. He doesn't seem to be omniscient, if so he doesn't share everything.


Chosen One
Inscus is not a single Lucemi. When a new mask of him appears a new one was elected
Lost Child
A tale says Inscus is a child thought to have gone lost. He found his way to survive in The Wilderness or The Hills of Edi, found artefacts which prolong his life and give him his abilities.
Argumenting with his features named above some say he is a higher being himself having chosen Lucem Edi as his place to live.
  From what we know about his abilities I am pretty sure he was the tongue on the scales in various topics of Lucem Edi. I already witnessed some times he just appeared in meetings of the guilds.

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