Atupun's Retribution Physical / Metaphysical Law in Lucem Edi | World Anvil
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Atupun's Retribution

Illustrations of the Senemi show a series of events indicating Atupun could have the power to destruct on celestial levels.

Seemingly it began the stars in the nightsky dissolving or falling into Atupun. The Senemi related these dots to their sun and feared they would be consumed along with it. Our grounds still exists so it hasn't become reality. At the same time the sun is shown in greatly varyiing sizes resulting in outstanding hot and cold seasons we don't know to this extent. On one side burning plants and drying of rivers are illustrated, on the other extended seasons of ice and snow storms.

The Following events are hard to decipher, a carving found in the Caves of Edi displays a barrier centered around Atupun hitting the Senemi, destroying their buildings, bodies, orbs, Ami and Emi. In another carving, which is said to be made after these events, Senemi are shown struggeling for survival in the devastated remains.

Described topic is touched cautiousely, it is worrisome. We can only puzzle because of some old pictures. With it's opening Atupun has a positive influence, if rarely, to our lives. Some see the center and spark of existence in it. Maybe it can be the devourer of existence too. Clues might lay in deciphering the lapita orbs; I hope we learn more about the reasons of described events before we witness them ourselves.

I suspect the Bomemi are what they are because they are lone survivors of the incidents around this catastrophe. They probably had no other choice than to draw back, hiding and trying to survive. This could be an explanation why they show signs of high culture, but only use them, not push them further, it would fit in a lot of things we know about them. You can understand their anger if you suppose their ancestors lived through a destruction of their society, seemingly taking the deities responsible for this.

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