Ragdale Settlement in Lostend'a | World Anvil
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A south-western country in Crismalia that is charged with taking care of the political matters in the realm as well as their own matters. It is known for being a fairly underwhelming country, with a poorer status among the majority of their population. Even the provincial Lord lives with humble nature.   The country used to live in a much nobler environment, with stretching metropolis


Races Ragdale is cornered between Raflovania and Cridalia which means that it gets a little of each in its demographics. Cridalia, being a country of Orcs, Dwarves and Aracokra while Raflovania is inhabited by halflings and half-elves. Ragdale has a little bit for anybody if they're down on their luck and need a tame place to stay.   Class   Ragdale is the second poorest country in the continent so most of inhabitants make their own humble livings. This is, of course, excluding the Provincial Lord (currently Kriffith Kendlbaern , and his small government of communicators who live in Prindle. Even their idea of royalty is humble and lacks palaces or royal guards.   The majority of the towns and settlements in Ragdale are poor farming towns where merchants come together to sell their wares or to grab a drink.


This settlement is vaguely loose in structure and without much in terms of regulation. The provincial lord is more focused on working with The Overseer to keep the peace in Crismalia  The lord and his Priests of the Overseer work together to organize meetings and feasts to keep the The Provincial Divide in tact and well.   Their are a few tax collectors that wander the land, accepting anything as an offering to their lord.


The Lord of Ragdale enlists a number of guards, and a small ragtag army of volunteers. They fight for the country but would never last in a real war.


Ragdale is filled with farm land. Large fields, owned by the citizens of the land. Any labor obtained material will find its corresponding structure somewhere in Ragdale. Fishing villages in the south, a single tavern in every village and farms stretching the rest of the lands.


Anything farmed, picked, fished and hunted is the assets of Ragdale. This is mostly food but also includes some clothing. Their resources are limited.


Ragdale was much more regal in its days of yore when it was founded in 657. A group of defectors from the army of Cridalian warriors escaped to the south and looked to start their own settlement. This was Shistrin Ragdale and his crew of warriors.   Upon defecting from Cridalia, the Cridalian Warriors hunted the for some time but failed as they escaped the mountain ranges.    The crew started the small town of Prindle, named after Ragsdale's best friend. After a few years of development upon the town into a small city - the new region was noticed by The Overseer. Contact was made and the deity added them to the The Provincial Divide and made them the caretakers of the document.   The country grew and grew until it had spread to the ocean coast. After a few hundred years of glorious existence in the southwest, a mysterious Deity of Power took control of the provincial lord. This began in the year 932 and it resulted in the Ragdalian Genocide, which spread the population thin as whatever deity attempted to kill anyone above the peasant rank.    Citizens fled or died, and deity was never purged from the country. Many still fear to live in the country as the fear of a second genocide is plausible.

Points of interest

The land is mostly flat, with some hills here or there.   Its natural beauty is unmistakable. Canyons, caves and ravines litter the landscape. The biggest of the canyons is Ragaol Canyon which was the first of the canyons to appear - appearing abruptly at the beginning of the Ragdalian Genocide taking a few lives with it.   There is also the Cistin Cavern. This mark has been in the land since the beginning of time and remains unexplored and uncharted - except by those who died soon after.


The settlements differ. There are thin forests around the area so there are some logs houses. There are many mud homes and lots of stone ones. They're all dependent upon the owner and the location. There is no common pattern - and all the citizens utilize their own materials.


It is a plain with lots of hills, caves, caverns and ravines. While the more extreme landmarks in the area are rare - they are abrupt. Many citizens think that these ravines were created by the mysterious deity that took over their land.    Many citizens have died to falling down ravines, and even more from exploring caves they shouldn't have entered. Mostly, however, it is simple grass lands and even simpler thin forests with towns and farms littered about. Just don't fall down the canyons.
Founding Date
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