Deities of Power Ethnicity in Lostend'a | World Anvil
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Deities of Power

The Deities of power, as opposed to the Deities of Control, are deities that exist in their own realm and are selfishly beholden to the The Collective Universe of Plains and Worlds. They seek power and will not stop until they reach it.    They exist in the realm known as Plestendael  and are said to exist in direct opposition to the deities of control.    They derive success from the obtaining of mortal power, often through controlling individual mortals through malicious intent.    One of deities of power that is prominent in Lostend'a is the Deity of the Draconic Rule

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Deities of Power are named by mortals once they make their presence known. The first name that they are given is the name they choose to identify by for eternity. Once given a name, their purpose is defined in the realms and their source of power is found.   It can take a long time for many deities to obtain names, since many they don't have direct sources of power until their names are received. This means that they can wander aimlessly, taking power from other deities until they are individually identified.
Languages spoken

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