Stalkeroctos are usually the color of water at one time and the color of mud others. They swim best through mud and flora. Their stealth navigational system is an advantage.
Basic Information
Stalkeroctos are allergic to salt. It sticks to them, so they demand to live in fresh water where they can stick to canoes. Stalkeroctos have 3 hearts (not an unsual Octo detail). Their 32 audio chips (entirely biological) are connected to an out of body nervous system they carry around in a satchel. Like their distant cousins they have no spine. They don't seem to need one. All Stalkeroctos in the Hamlet are name Louie. When they are called Louie they navigate to a smuggler, set up their control system wait for the perp to speak.
Genetics and Reproduction
Like a stork leaves an infant's diaper, male Stalkeroctos leaves a satchel near a female's nest. Females leave the nest to find an edible shark. She scours the sandy bottoms to find a clam shell, saves the meat for the hatched octos, and she traps a shark with the shell. After an hour's nap, she returns to the nest where she shares dinner with her mate and baby Octos.
Note: A Lost Words Hamlet scientist is not sure about whether Female Stalkeroctos take a nap. He is sure that storks conveniently use diapers to wrap homo sapien infants.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Stalkeroctos bite humans when annoyed, but there are only 2, 567 deaths recorded. It is likely smugglers tried to pry the Stalkeroctos from their boats. The Octos, in self defense and in an effort to protect their listening devices, trapped the perps wth clam shells. Then the Stalkeroctos ate them with the lobsters the smugglers caught.
Stalkeroctos are hardworking and loyal spies. They don't tell tales.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
When perps think they are alone, they boast. Evidence is collected by the Stalkeroctos. Stalkeroctos are shy and rarely seen by boaters, but they do bite when provoked. During an interrogation Stalkeroctos make themselves available. They know the difference between a fib and a fact.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
Stalkeroctos are protected in Lost Words Hamlet. There aren't more than 100 left. They've worked for the Lost Words Chamber of Commerce for thousands of year. They refuse to live in the sea. They wander into the canals, moats and swimming pools that belong to the Hamlet's nobility. The Chamber receives at least 10 complaints a week about these flexible squid.