

by Ruby O'Degee
The Monsterena is a biped that stalks his prey. He uses reflector lights to confuse his predator. He is the tallest mammal in Lost Words Hamlet. He turns his head 270 degrees. He uses large his large webbed feet to tread through shallow water.

Basic Information


The monsterena is 14.7 feet tall. Adult onsterena creatures weigh 323 lbs. Male Monsterena creatures are a pale shade of blue. The female Monsterena's pigment is deep blue. Monsterena offspring share speckles from both parents. When one of the speckles are no longer visible, the remaining color is the first indication the creature reaches maturity.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female monsterena creatures produce one offspring. It is rare for a Monsterena to bear twins. When twins are born, the parents try to determine how many speckles are light or dark blue. The light blue speckled offspring are raised by their fathers. The dark blue speckled offspring are raised by their mothers. If they make a mistake, the offspring are switched at the time of maturity. Then the offspring go their separate ways.

Growth Rate & Stages

Monsterena growth is over by the time the creature is two years old. The speckles continue to grow larger. The exception to their growth pattern is their webbed feet. Male feet grow at a rate of 2 inches per year. Female feet grow at a rate of 4 inches per year. By the time both sexes need sandals, they size of their webbed feet are the same.


Monsterena gender reveal parties are merely celebrations the matter of their gender is agreed by their parents. Throughout the time parents care for their offspring, a fuss is made about light or dark blue outfits, what size shoes to buy for birthdays and whether or not speckles at birth are counted accurately. The matter of affirmation takes about 25 minutes. After the party is over, the offspring go to find abandoned territory and the parents share one pail of treaded water, the family is not likely to see one another again.
Scientific Name
by Ruby O'Degee
The monster is not related to the Lochness Monster, but he comes from the same vicinity.
Conservation Status
by Violet M. (rod)
Monsterena is not a protected species in Lost Words Hamlet. Plenty of Monsterena creatures roam through the desert. They eat cactus and scraps left by tourists.

Cover image: by Ruby O'Degee Design


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