Larias Settlement in Lorewick | World Anvil
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A Delgue city ruled by the Sea Lords. The city's main official industry is in finance. Larias has a lot crime, so much so that there has been a legal code around it to keep the local gangs in line by using said gangs.


The city has a massive class divide between the rich and poor. Down in the reeds the local gangs fight for power and keep each other in check to the joy of the rich folk above. Exorcists in the area are predominantly Soul Collectors and sell their wares in hidden safehouses.


the city is divided into various districts such as the Squats (the ghetto, gang-ridden area), then there is the banker, government, warehouse, and university districts. Underneath the city is the ratway. When a manhole is connected to the ratway the surrounding cobblestones have special marks on them.

Guilds and Factions

The town's banking establishments are controlled by the Yivmort, Portolo (Batlock guild), and the Tremas.   Then there are the gangs of Larias: about 57 all living in the Squats. The most dangerous and feared of all the gangers are the Viliots and their leader the Brekkan.


During the fall of Ankriech, it was taken over by Delgue, and the Sea Lords made their home in it.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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