Connections between the Pirate Clans in Lorewick | World Anvil
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Connections between the Pirate Clans

Delgue Pirate Clans The 3 Major clans that rule the seas: The Trogawa, the Sealords, and the Hyrule. Each has their hands in Delgue politics to a certain extent.   The Trogawa is the leading clan of Delgue. One of their branches has been specifically sent to repair the damages to Talgren. They are by far the most powerful.   Sea Lords are the financial leaders and have set up shop in Larias where they can oversee the various banking institutions. They prominently sponsor architects and promote gothic styles, which is nowhere more noticeable than in their own institution the Hand of Posidium which is the home of the clan and is connected to various underwater rivers.   The Hyrule are the least powerful of the clans but maintain a presence in the political council.   Non Delgue Pirate Clans The Reverent Pirate Clan a clan that has long resisted Delgue's control and has become an outlaw even to them but was taken down rather quickly by of the Darklord Bloodthorne's commission for working alongside exorcists.


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