The City Settlement in Lore | World Anvil
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The City

The City is the first settlement of Lore and the main location of the population. More than 90% of Lore's people live in the City.


Varied, though there are unusually large Middle Eastern and African populations


The government is a plutocracy of the wealthy and business owners. Most of the governance is established by the Corporations of Lore with a Board of Executors dictating most of the laws.   While this appears on the surface to be a nightmare for many, the Corporations of Lore learned well the lessons of the Economic Revolution on Earth. This revamped corporate interests from being focused on quarterly profits to allowing for long-term growth and fostering of customer bases.   That said, it is still a corporate-based and corporate-focused government model, and many people find it chafing. This lead to the corporate sponsorship model of Colonial expeditions.
Founding Date
0 CF
Alternative Name(s)
First Settlement
8.76 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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