Sowers of Rontra Organization in Lorannis | World Anvil

Sowers of Rontra

The sowers are the clerics of the Rontran faith. Their name comes from farming, not because they are all farmers, but as a reference to what they do: plant the seed of Rontra’s wisdom and goodness in the hearts and minds of all they meet. Just as a farmer cannot make a seed grow by himself, so are the sowers unable to make this seed of peace take root. It is up to people to nourish their own moral strength.  


Initiate sowers are named prelates, a title they bear for the first many years of their careers. The Rontrans hold that all prelates are equal. Once admitted into the order, they can go where they believe Rontra wants them—unless commanded directly not to by the grand prelate of the foundation. The foundations have lawful good tendencies, however, and most prelates obey even implied instructions even they’re not strictly required to.    A prelate is addressed as “brother” or “sister,” and introduced by full title.  

Grand Prelates

The only person in a foundation empowered to command others is its grand prelate. When a foundation loses its grand prelate through death or departure, or when a new foundation is established, all the local prelates gather for a great council to name a new grand prelate. All voices are equal in these councils, called moots, regardless of age or experience. Prelates run the moots in a very orderly fashion, with every attendant getting a chance to debate the matter before them. Thus, moots can take as long as a month before these prelates agree unanimously on the identity of the new grand prelate. Grand prelates are undisputedly in charge of the foundations and, since there is no higher authority, they become the area’s arbiter of religious law. Prelates obey the grand prelate from their foundation, even if they don’t want to. A foundation must have a grand prelate to be considered a foundation—otherwise it is a shrine. If a grand prelate cannot be decided on, the foundation is reduced to a shrine and put under the authority of the nearest foundation with a grand prelate.    Grand prelates are addressed as “mothers” or “fathers,” and introduced by full title.  

Elders of the Faith

Whether grand prelate or not, eventually a sower becomes so powerful that all recognize him as an elder of the faith, or “great elder.” These venerable leaders have usually performed great quests or other monumental tasks in the service of Rontra. It is considered odd for great elders to continue to serve as grand prelates if they hold the office. Most give up the position. They travel throughout the land. Visiting foundations, they lend their wisdom and aid when required, harrying the foes weaker members of the faith simply cannot approach.    A great elder is addressed as “grandmother,” or “grandfather,” and introduced by full title.

Joining the Sowers

To become a prelate, a person must show a gift of understanding Rontra’s teachings. The faith is complex, with thousands of recorded prayers and three different forms of ministry (farming, treasures of the earth, and fertility).   A prelate must understand all of these, and be just as prepared to tend to the spiritual needs of dwarven miners as those of young wives hoping to get with child.   Training usually takes five years, though wise candidates have been admitted into the clergy in only two years. A prelate might serve in a foundation, wander, or even run a small shrine. Prelates become clerics upon completing their training and must choose a domain associated with Rontra for the Divine Domain class feature, such as the Earth Domain or Nature Domain.
Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization