Sassan Character in Lorannis | World Anvil


Leader of The Crimson Court, Sassan is a man who does not tolerate insurrection in his ranks.   He is not a member of the Ducercle Council of Six, but he might as well be - for everyone listens when he has something he wants to say.   Not only an intelligent man with a diplomat's tongue, Sassan is a skilled swordsman who has yet to be bested.   On his arm is the ever present Zahirah Nakir, a beautiful woman who at first glance is nothing more than the gorgeous face a man of his stature could afford. But their bond is far deeper than that - and she is not to be underestimated either.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sassan comes from unknown origins. His parents, his true birthplace, is a mystery. But he had made his name as a young man as a Lord in the Crimson Court - an enforcer for the last King. But as is often the case, the old king died, and Sassan had maneuvered himself in a position where he was the only logical choice - he's been the new Crimson King for almost 10 years now and has firmly entrenched himself in the position now.    It would be nearly impossible to remove him without killing him.


Zahirah Nakir

Lover (Vital)

Towards Sassan




Lover (Vital)

Towards Zahirah Nakir




Zahirah was traveling along along a roadway when she came upon a man, dying by the roadside. He asked her to take a message to his contact, Sassan, in the next town. He passed on shortly afterwards, and Zahirah moved on.   She found Sassan in a tavern in the town and was immediately interested in him - no, it was never love at first sight, both of them would tell you that. But he bought her services for the night and the next morning hired her to warm his bed and keep him company on his business. Zahirah was just happy to have a fun client for once.   They spent the month together, and Sassan again hired her for another month. And another. And another. Zahirah was the first one to admit she was deeply in love with him. Sassan, a man of few words, took longer to admit his feelings. But they have become inseparable - though most who don't know better still assume Zahirah is as she appears: a pretty whore, with no more significance to the Crimson King.

Legal Status


Character Location
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Crimson King, The Baron of Boons
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Ducercle, Thieves' Cant, Undercommon, Elvish, Sylvan
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by C. S. Wachter