Sail Masters of Shalimyr Organization in Lorannis | World Anvil

Sail Masters of Shalimyr

“The wind is my brother, the ship is my sister,” the sail masters say, “and the water is my father. I respect my siblings but I obey my father.”   The sail masters have brine in their blood, it is said, and no finer sailors live. Having a sail master on deck is a good omen, a promise of success, and a harbinger of a speedy journey, all in one. To attack a vessel with a sail master on board, or worse, a sail lord, is considered sheer folly. The sail masters see themselves as the bearers of Shalimyr’s good word; they are missionaries who reside on ships. Incredibly, exhaustingly pious, they lead the crew in the three daily prayers, talking constantly of the gifts of Grandfather Ocean and the wrath of the Sea Father. Their order was founded to aid and serve those who are closest to Shalimyr, sailors, and to remind them of the tenets of the Shalimyn faith.   The sail masters are the third and most evangelical of the Shalimyn holy orders. They are known everywhere for their great skill as sailors and their uncanny abilities with ship-to-ship combat. The order was founded by an ascetic, known as Saint Isyl, who was visited in dream by a series of visions from Shalimyr. Isyl prophesied, through those dreams, of an ultimate day of reckoning for all Shalimyn, when the Sea Father will visit every ship on his waters in a single day. If he finds the hearts of the sailors around the world to be pious and humble, as he demands, he will give a great boon to all Shalimyn. But if he finds that those he has graced with permission to ride upon his back are selfish and wanting, he will destroy them all and never again allow ships upon his waters. While the mariners believe Saint Isyl’s vision was metaphorical, the sail masters believe it quite literal, and seek to avert disaster by constantly reminding sailors of their duty to Shalimyr. Thus they are driven in their evangelism, and almost always out at sea.   Sail masters are most often found on the water, serving vessels great and small. They rarely bother with those who are not Shalimyn or sailors, so a person booking passage on a ship might never even realize a sail master is aboard. If one travels aboard the flagship of a major fleet, it is almost certain to have a sail lord aboard. Members of the order make odd first impressions. Quiet, contemplative, a bit spooky at first, they eventually reveal their religious ardor. Most sail masters shave their heads and wear simple robes adorned with the wave of Shalimyr. It is uncommon to find two members of the order together, unless one is being trained.   New sail masters seek out captains to take them onto their vessels in return for service. Sail masters work with their crews until satisfied that they’re properly pious, and move on to other ships soon after. This continues for most of their careers. Sail masters are addressed as “sail master” and are introduced without their order name.   Eventually, sail masters might seek out someone in control of a fleet—a lord, a powerful merchant, or a pirate king—and offer their services as sail lord. They usually hold these positions until death, riding on fleet flagships, but ministering to all of their sailors. They are addressed as “sail lord,” and introduced with full title.

Joining the Sail Masters

Any deeply faithful Shalimyn can join the sail masters, though fighters and rogues are the most common professions.   Wizards, sorcerers, members of the Shalimyn clergy, even holy warriors of Shalimyr have all been known to join the order. It requires only a deep understanding of the sea and an abiding love for Grandfather Ocean. Initiates must complete one year of training under a sail lord to earn the title of sail master.
Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization