Ülex Rhinne Character in Lorannis | World Anvil

Ülex Rhinne

Ülex Rhinne

Ülex goes by three different names throughout the kingdoms. In Adura she is known as Jade, in Mercercle she is Ülex, and in Vespmar she is known as Garaia. These identities are all associated with a travelling witch doctor who offers help to those in need and shares stories of lands far away. She accepts payment in whatever people are able to offer her no matter how little.

Ülex has a strong fascination with nature and like to sketch any new creatures and plants she finds to do further research. She hopes to one day find ways to cure even the most vicious of diseases of men and animals with this knowledge.   She chose to spend her life traveling because she needs change to keep herself from getting depressed. This is why Ülex prefers having multiple public identities and learning as much as she can about the natural world. She is much less interested in social circles than she is about the cultures and traditions of different peoples.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, lightly muscled

Apparel & Accessories

  • Light leather armor
  • A dark blue cloak with bright pieces of glass sewn into it to emulate stars, denoting Ülex as a member of the Runners of Darmon
  • A token from home: a button with gold filigree in the shape of vines, with a teal crystalline gem nestled in the middle.
  • Dagger
  • Priest Pack
  • Herbalism kit
  • Fetish - tarot cards

Mental characteristics



Failures & Embarrassments

She tends to be put in foolish positions because of her willingness to get a closer look at things. She has blatantly steppes into several animal traps while searching for specific flora and fauna.

Morality & Philosophy

Worships Darmon - Runner of Darmon


Her curiosity always takes charge even if it's against her natural morals. She doesn't eat animal flesh though (she's vegetarian) because she feels its disrespectful. It's one thing to use an animal for research that may better the world, but consuming animals for pleasure is not excusable


Contacts & Relations

Evana Lorray

A good half-orc friend of Ülex's who is also a runner of Darmon. Ülex runs into her frequently and they often exchange stories about their travels over a few drinks whenever they have the time. They aren't very close due to their constant wandering, but they are the closest friend Ülex has. Evana is aware that Ülex is a changeling.

Jasper Veer

The person who taught Ülex all she knows about Alchemy. She visits him in Adura when she can and presents any new strange plants or creatures she finds during her travels to see what knowledge he has of them.

Reiner Druke

An enemy of Ülex's who uses his knowledge of alchemy for personal gain. He is well versed in all sorts of healing potions but charges people very high prices to save their loved ones. Using one's knowledge purely for monetary gain is something Ülex feels strongly against. Someday, Ülex wishes to steal Reiner's personal book of alchemy so she can share his knowledge to help those in need.

Charasmatic, dramatic, reckless

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Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
2nd of Urn
Current Residence
Depends on the day
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Mercercle, Draconic, Abyssal, Halfling, Deep Speech

Alchemist Rules

Tier 1 Alchemist (Living Arts + Crsytals)
  • Gain the ability to speak Deep Speech
  • Gain the ability to use alchemist's tools
  • Gain access to a workshop
  • Learn techniques "Green Thumb" and "Connections"
Green Thumb Prerequisite: Living Arts or Wood You’re naturally skilled with plants, and they flourish under your watchful eye. You can spend 10 minutes with a living plant to determine whether it is under the effect of any sort of magic, and if it has any immediate needs (such as pest removal, watering, pruning, or repotting).   Additionally, a plant under your care thrives. Choose one of the following effects for it to gain:
  • Sprout: A seed will sprout in an hour, grow to a sapling in 8 hours, and mature to harvest within 24 hours. After it reaches maturity, its growth rate stabilizes.
  • Bloom: A flowering plant will stay healthy and in bloom for twice as long; if it’s been under your care for at least 24 hours, this effect lasts even in your absence.
  • Yield: A harvestable plant will yield twice the bounty.
Connections Perhaps you’re in the family business, or perhaps you’re just good at making friends: wherever you go, you always know someone who can hook you up with a high-quality material for your current project, or at least help you acquire it.   However, you must do them a favor in return before you can claim this service again. These favors may involve trading valuable items, performing crafting services, or running dangerous errands. At your GM’s discretion, pending favors may be claimed at any time.   The number of "open" favors you can have pending, before word gets around that you’re unreliable, and your contacts dry up, is equal to your current crafting tier. Contacts are replenished after successfully returning all pending favors.  
Tier Craft Dice Stamina
1 1d6 3