Particle Shield Technology / Science in Long War | World Anvil

Particle Shield

A type of shielding developed from further experiments with magnetic shields, which works in a different way and requires a different (but only one) generator, but is based on the same technology, namely creating and controlling electromagnetic shields.   Particle Shielding uses a particle 'granulate' formed into a shield-like form via magnetic fields manipulation, that is capable of shielding the ship from enemy fire. The thicker the shield, the greater the resistance, but slower area can be shielded. It can stop nearly every weapon system known to humanity, with MAW and rockets incapable of piercing through the granulate, while energy weapon ends scattered by magnetic field that surrounds the particle shield.   Its greatest disadvantage is that sufficiently thin particle shield can be pierced by physical rounds. What's more, with them coming from more than one direction, the ability to assemble sufficiently thick shields is severely weakened, soon forcing the ship under fire to replace it with magnetic shield, that gives less protection, but one that leaves no weakpoints that aren't defended at all.   What's more there is a possibility of lucky shots piercing the particle shield via crenelles that had to be made to allow the ship covered with particle shielding to use his artillery. Practically speaking, damaging such ships require either attacking it with fighters/waves of missiles, or coming for the close distance artillery firefight, quickly depleting its granulate store.   Thin particle shields that cover entirety of ships can be used to mask its configuration and variant from enemy, allowing for tactical surprise of enemy that fails to use for example fighters to reconaissane through fighting.
Terran Federation researchers.
Circa 2134.


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