Livelle Dustbearer Character in Lonemyst | World Anvil
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Livelle Dustbearer

Ranger-Captain Livelle Dawnflow Dustbearer (a.k.a. Rose)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

After years of verbal abuse by her father, Livelle has become borderline obsessive over her physical health. She maintain a strict diet and exercise routine to keep what she believes to be her "peak physical form."

Body Features

Similar to the markings of an Illidari, Livelle's right arm is adorned with deep scars at wrap around her forearm and bicep. Some days they are barely visible and others they glow a vibrant purple that cuts through the seems in her armor.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides her family, the most important thing to Livelle is her hair. She cares for it through a series of very rigorous, but routine, methods every single day, multiple times a day, to keep it as cared for as she demands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Livelle was born into the Dawnflow family as the youngest of three daughters. The eldest being Laurindra Dawnflow and the middle being Livelle's twin sister, Lina'raeline. Their father, Saundor Dawnflow, worked as a captain in the Silvermoon City guard. Ae'lena Dawnflow, the mother, worked as a school teacher within the city, teaching children the very basics of arcane use. Growing up Livelle believed her family was flawless. She had a best friend in the form of her twin sister and two loving parents. However, that family bond shattered before the twins truly got to appreciate what they had. Saundor had a dream that all three of his children would become Farstriders but seeing as Laurindra was the only one old enough to train, all of that stress went onto her. Being over a century older than the twins, Laurindra was forced to ungo rigorous tests to become the Farstrider her father wanted. The amounting stress inevitably lead to failure and before the family could react, Laurindra left in the middle of the night. The one person Livelle looked up to was gone and she didn't get a chance to say goodbye.   Laurindra leaving sent a ripple through the family that would never be repaired. Not even two years later, Ae'lena took Lina'raeline in the night and left Saundor and Livelle on their own due to the couple growing further apart. Now all Livelle had left was her father, who had taken up drinking and verbal abuse as a way to cope with the loss of his wife and daughters. He spent the next several decades blaming Liv for "ruining" the family.   Years have gone by and now Livelle finds herself as a ren'dorei on the Alliance. Since then she has repaired her relationship with her twin sister. Uponining marrying her wife, Illindra Dustbearer, she changed her name and opted to leave the Dawnflow name to rot away with her past.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


To her the Accord is a way to stay grounded. She considers every member her family and is fully dedicated to protecting each and every one of them. These thoughts are what keep her going on a daily basis. She is not perfect and will often stumble but, she knows those around her will be there to pick her back up again.   Her primary goal is to care for and protect the two she loves more than anything. Livelle's wife and daughter take priority over her own mental or physical health. She has been known to push herself to unhealthy limits in order to do what she believes is right. To the dismay of many associated with her, Livelle can be very quick to decisions without a second thought if Illindra and Azaevia are in danger.

Vices & Personality flaws

Although she holds herself with an unrivaled confidence at times, Livelle is easily overpowered by crowds and excessive attention. In these situations she often breaks down and will go completely silent for extended periods of time. Some call her drug and alcohol use an unhealthy addiction, she views it as various ways to help her cope with severe social anxiety.

Personality Quirks

In situations were Livelle is incredibly overwhelmed she can be seen staring into a little mirror at her own reflection. She may also speak with a slight stutter in these high stress environments as well.


Due to her constant desire to perfect her physical appearance, Livelle takes hygiene very seriously. Often to an obsessive degree.


Religious Views

Livelle has never been a woman of faith, that mindset still remaining after her transition to ren'dorei. She sees the Void as a vessel, or necessary step to achieve her goals. The Old Gods or Void Lords themselves mean very little to her.

Hobbies & Pets

Lizard names Jester and a cat named Bele.


Tone is often described as "distant" or "uninterested."


Livelle Dustbearer


Towards Illindrà Dustbearer


Illindrà Dustbearer


Towards Livelle Dustbearer


Division Leader of the Riftstriders

View Character Profile
Current Location
Misty Blue
Long, Purple, Cared for
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Thalassian, Orcish (some)

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