Illindrà Dustbearer Character in Lonemyst | World Anvil
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Illindrà Dustbearer

Magistrix Illindrà Dustbearer (a.k.a. Illy / Dove)

Physical Description

Body Features

Illindra stands at the small 5'2 and has a relatively curvy appearance to her. She's not obese or fat by any means, but does have slightly bigger than average rear and chest areas. Her skin is pale-blue like many other Ren'dorei, but her eyes were a strange bloody red, suggesting that she had been cursed somehow. No other marks or scars would be present on her figure aside from the dove tattoo on her right thigh and another dove at a different angle on the front-left side of her neck.   She puts on very little makeup as she has a more natural beauty about her, which she is quite confident of with her usual smirk. The only jewelry she wore were two dagger-like earrings pierced her ears and a necklace with an engagement ring attached to it dangled from her neck.

Apparel & Accessories

Illindra typically sports a showy set of mage attire. Clearly, she is not someone that is all too modest about her physical appearance. The stockings display just enough thigh to show off her dove tattoo. The clothes are enchanted to help with her ability in casting spells, conjuring items, and a variety of other incantations rather than offering any plate armor protection. Additionally, it allows a lazy woman to move quickly when needed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Magistrix. Dustbearer. Ren’dorei. Illindra. These are all names given to her from others. She grew up in an orphanage in Silvermoon and was given the name Illindra because she had nothing else to go by. Growing up, she got very involved with crime and thievery as a rogue to survive, especially when she grew too old and was cast out into society.   A nobleman had taken an interest in her, and she had taken an interest in his wallet. They got married, even though she truly didn’t care about him. In escaping her tough life for one of luxury, she decided to pursue an education and immerse her mind in the magical arts.   She became fixated and obsessed. After her husband was killed by the head of the family, Illindra was allowed to remain within and learn all she could. Eventually, this curiosity would lead to her delving into the mysteries of the fel and then the void. Now, under a name of her own making, she helps the Ren’dorei that are struggling to get along in the memory of how she struggled as well in her own upbringing.

Gender Identity





Initially, she had no education beyond what her orphanage had provided and what books she stole from the local libraries. Later in life, she was trained in the art of magic by Lord Celeran Etherfate. Quickly, Illindra became his brightest student for her passion for the subject and even excelled him. For Quel'dorei, she was among the first to begin delving even deeper by studying fel magic in underground covens until it was more legitimized as she became Sin'dorei. Her research also included that of the void, which deepened as years went on until her inevitable exile.


Her first form of work was that of a thief. She worked on the streets with other criminal organizations to get money where she could and however she could. However, stealing books would ultimately lead her to a path of education and magic. The leathers were put up and not touched again.   After excelling through the arcane arts, Illindra would seek to pass down her knowledge as a teacher of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. There she worked for many years, including her time as a Sunreaver with the Sin'dorei. Jaina Proudmoore's evil genocide of her people forced her off the floating city and she never sought to work there again.   Today, she takes up the new role as head of the Ashen Sun Accord after starting as an advisor to the then original council. When they broke, she was left as the only one in charge.

Failures & Embarrassments

She still blames herself for the death of her ex who she intended to propose to, Xarinth Etherfate. Illindra believes that she could have somehow prevented it as the murderers belonged to an organization she wronged during her time as a rogue.

Mental Trauma

Forced to watch her ex that she intended to propose to be murdered in front of her by figures of Illindra's own past. This followed the days after Arthas's attack on Silvermoon, where the people were difficult to rally together.

Personality Characteristics


To provide all her fellow kin with a new home as she believes that Quel'thalas will never be a place they can return to. In addition, she is working on research to determine how they might tame the Aqir and how they might repopulate their own kind given the issues the void provides on child development.


Due to her OCD, she keeps herself very clean. Illindra showers twice a day and washes her hands as often as she can. Her house is kept in pristine condition at all times if she can help it.


Contacts & Relations

Married to Livelle Dustbearer and the adoptive mother of Azaevia Dustbearer. She is also the sister-in-law to Lina'raeline Dustbearer.

Family Ties

Orphaned. Aware that she is the long-lost descendant of a Highborne line known as the Seabearers, but everyone from her great grandmother ten-thousand years ago is a mystery. That child had mysteriously vanished and what knowledge she has is only thanks to their line's curse.

Religious Views

She is an atheist and doesn't opt to worship anything, finding it unproductive and the potential gods highly hypocritical.

Social Aptitude

For a Void Elf, Illindra is incredibly extroverted and charismatic. While there was a history of depression in her life, the change to a Ren'dorei has actually been a blessing in disguise. She is the happiest she's ever been and her confidence displays this fact clearly. While sometimes stressed, there's very few circumstances and people that genuinely scare her.

Hobbies & Pets

A lizard named Jester and a cat named Bele.


Her voice is light for someone of her race, though not annoyingly so. It was almost songlike and whimsical. There was a clear sense of humor when she spoke in casual settings. She often liked to joke around and fit in with everyone where possible, even if they might be considered below her within the rankings of the Accord.   In less casual settings, her tone and preferred vocabulary are changed dramatically. It's still artistic, but firm. While there are cracks of her jestful nature and words, she is mostly good at picking the appropriate company for this.


Livelle Dustbearer


Towards Illindrà Dustbearer


Illindrà Dustbearer


Towards Livelle Dustbearer


Character Location
Current Location
Thalas'din Ren
View Character Profile
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Silvermoon City, Quel'thalas
Current Residence
Thalas'din Ren, Lonemyst
Glowing Red. Open, intelligent gaze.
Medium-length, White Hair with bangs.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Feeling Saucy and Spooky."
Known Languages
Common, Thalassian

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