Pre-adventure in Londolon | World Anvil


For the first session of the game, the GM prepares a "pre-adventure" for each player based on his or her character's background. This pre-adventure is intended to get the player used to controlling their character's actions and, at the same time, to get the players invested in the specific drama of their character's backstory.   The pre-adventure should last for one playsession or less, and should not require the use of any class skills. Part of the purpose of the pre-adventure is to get the player character to the place where he or she learns their class skills and becomes a 1st-level adventurer.   At the end of the pre-adventure, the player character should have attained three important resources:
  1. The basic training necessary to attain 1st-level status in a starting Character Class .
  2. Starting money and equipment.
  3. An adventure hook.


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