Flame Strike Spell in Londolon | World Anvil

Flame Strike

Flame Strike

5th-rank - Evocation Priest Spell: Combat Elements

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M
Materials: a pinch of sulfur
Auditory Sensory Effects: Very Loud
Visual Sensory Effects: Gargantuan
Olfactory Sensory Effects: Very Strong
Casting Perception Mod +5
Effect Perception Mod +12

Buzzing white aura flows into your arm as you raise it to the heavens and call down a vertical column of roaring fire in a location you specify. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range must make a Dexterity saving throw.   Combat Domain: A creature takes 4d6 Fire Damage and 4d6 Radiant Damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   Elements Domain: A creature takes 8d6 Fire Damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   The fire damages objects in the area and Ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried.

At higher ranks: When you cast this spell as a spell of 6th rank or higher, the Fire Damage (Elements Domain) or the Radiant Damage (Combat Domain) increases by 1d6 for each rank above 5th.



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