The God Kings Organization in Locus | World Anvil
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The God Kings

The God Kings were a group of powerful leaders who once ruled over Locus, thousands of years ago. They were druids who had gained divine power through the worship of their followers. They were able to commune with nature and use that connection to gain insight and power. Over time, The Druids' followers stopped worshipping nature and began to worship The Druids themselves, leading to The Druids gaining even more power and becoming the first God Kings.
  They ruled over Locus for thousands of years, until a group of people known as the Non-Believers sought to overthrow them by forming an Inquisition and stamping out any belief in intelligent beings to prevent them from gaining divinity. This eventually led to a full-scale revolution, known as The Year of Dissolution, which resulted in the deaths of many thousands of people and the complete destruction of the God Kings.
  The only acceptable form of worship in Locus is now known as "Symbol worship" or Symbology, which involves worshipping ideas or places/objects, in order to prevent the rise of a new God King.
Religious, Other


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