The Year of Dissolution Military Conflict in Locus | World Anvil
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The Year of Dissolution

The Year of Dissolution was a period of time in Locus's history when a group of people known as the Non-believers, who sought to overthrow the ruling God Kings, staged a full-scale revolution. The Non-believers believed that the God Kings, who had gained divine power through the worship of their followers, were corrupt and oppressive rulers. They formed an Inquisition whose purpose was to quash any belief in people or sentient beings in order to rid intelligent things from gaining divinity.   The revolution was brutal and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Many cities and towns were destroyed, and the economy was severely disrupted. The God Kings were eventually overthrown, and their power was dissolved. The Non-believers, now victorious, established a new government known as the Empire.   As part of their efforts to prevent the rise of new God Kings, the Non-believers also banned the worship of any intelligent being and established a new form of worship known as "Symbol worship" or Symbology, in which a person worships an idea or a place/object instead of a deity. This is to prevent the possibility of a new God King. The Inquisition was the group that was responsible for enforcing the new laws and hunting down any remaining followers of the God Kings, which were seen as a threat to the stability of the new empire.
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