The Followers of Lud Organization in Locus | World Anvil
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The Followers of Lud

The Followers of Lud: An Examination

The Followers of Lud, colloquially known as the Ludites, represent a notable political and social faction within the evolving landscape of Locus. This movement surfaced as a direct response to the burgeoning industrial revolution that sweeps through the realm. Their ethos and motivations draw parallels with the historical precedent set by certain 19th-century labor movements, yet they are distinctly rooted in the context of Locus.  

Ideological Foundations:

Central to the Ludite philosophy is a deep-seated reverence for tradition and the preservation of established societal structures. This faction perceives the advent of industrialization as a significant disruption to the equilibrium of societal norms, particularly those upheld by institutions like the Church and the traditional aristocracy. They argue that the new mechanical inventions threaten not only the societal hierarchy but also the very fabric of the natural and magical world.  

Demographic Composition:

The composition of the Followers of Lud is predominantly upper-class, including nobility and affluent merchants. These groups perceive a threat to their historical privileges and influence amidst the rise of new industrial powers. Additionally, the movement finds sympathizers among the clergy, who view technological advancements as a challenge to their spiritual authority and the mystic order they espouse.  

Opposition and Tactics:

Identifying The Iron Council and The Tinkers Guild as principal architects of the technological transformation, the Ludites position themselves as a formidable counterforce. Their methods are multifaceted, encompassing political advocacy, public demonstrations, and, in more extreme cases, acts of sabotage aimed at impeding industrial progress. Furthermore, they champion the cause of regulatory oversight over industrial activities, aiming to curtail the burgeoning influence of the new industrial class.  

Public Perception and Role:

While often branded as reactionary and overly nostalgic, the Ludites present a perspective that resonates with segments of the populace uneasy with the rapid alterations in their way of life. Their stance offers an alternative vision for the future of Locus, one that prioritizes traditional values and the preservation of the pre-industrial order. The Followers of Lud thus stand as a significant voice in the socio-political discourse of Locus, epitomizing the tension between progress and tradition in an era of profound change. Their influence and activities continue to shape the evolving narrative of this industrial revolution.
Political, Faction / Party

Ideological similarities

Tenuous working relationship

Ideological differences

Vast ideological differences

Fundamental ideological differences


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