ectoplasm Material in Lockard-verse | World Anvil


The metaphysical substance excreted by physical mediums and used by spirits to interact with this world. Many examples of ectoplasm present in popular culture and psychic history have been debunked.   That said, there is some truth to the chicanery. True ectoplasm is formed when a spirit interacts with a human body with enough violence to expel part of the human's soul. It is more like spiritual blood than the fibrous membrane described in spiritualism. Usually this effect is experienced by physical mediums who have opened themselves up to an aggressive (though not necessarily malign) spirit. The spirit impacts the medium's body, forms enough ectoplasm from the medium's soul to give itself physical manifestation and then gains the ability to deliver a message to our world. Usually the manifestation doesn't last more than ten or fifteen minutes and the ectoplasm dissipates rapidly after the spirit departs.


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