Argeoven Travelling Orphanage Organization in Little Crow Workshop | World Anvil

Argeoven Travelling Orphanage

Honestly, if the Argeoven decided to take on any industry, there would be no one that could stop them. Considering the lengths their children can go for them, I would in fact feel a lot of concern for their competitors
— Citizen of Yellow Fields
  The gnome couple Nals and Evoen have travelled the lands for many decades, possibly centuries. During their travels, they took to reuniting survivors of tragedy with their familiars and, in some cases, adopting those that had no family left to care for them. It was by such circunstamce that the Argeoven Travelling Orphanage came to be.   Over its existance, the group has cared for an undisclosed amount of children but many believe to be over the hundreds given both the group's long existance and the couple's unmeasureable kindness. Some of those children have become famous local heroes along the Bladeslake, such as Dhostos Argeoven, Elric Geovan and Kamnela Saloak. Their expertise and fields of the children as varied as their heritages.   In the past, the gnome couple were survivors themselves of a dangerous cataclysm that propelled their small family outside of the realm of fairies. Their children lost to them, they travelled the land in search of a way back but appear to have never found one. As fairy gnomes, Nals and Evoen are practically immortal and are believed to have existed for so long they learned all matter of skills and cultures so they could properly raise their children.

Love and patience are the best remedy. Also soup.

Activist, Charity
Alternative Names
Argeoven Family

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