The Godly Council Organization in Liovamund | World Anvil
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The Godly Council

The Godly Council consists of ancient beings of power who watch the world. Although only few ever come face to face with even one of them, they are still there. The gods seem to have become [Leonbard] quiet ever since The Keepers split from the main religion but nonetheless they are still powerful. The members of the Godly Council select some mortals to be their eyes and ears in the mortal realm, called The Chosen . Every god in the pantheon has their own group of Chosen, who also act as their god's represantatives in the mortal world. The most recent big event, where The Chosen were directly ordered by the council, was the induction of Istral, the new goddess of wisdom, after Shomdom left the council and decided for his Chosen to become The Keepers.     Former named gods and their role:
  • Shomdon, The God of secret knowledge
Religious, Pantheon
Subsidiary Organizations


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