Session 91: Communication is Key Report Report in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Session 91: Communication is Key Report

General Summary

Gathering in this abandoned river house, the group rested a bit as they digested the revelations from Peddyr. Roy eventually returned, and after some consideration conjured the magical interdimensional tent he had used in the past. The party stepped into the tent in order to have a more secure refuge, then sat at the dining table within to discuss their plans. The first discussion, frequently puncuated by Jeeves' unconscious completion of every sentence with the word "blurple", revolved around a distrust of Peddyr's words. The group also discussed how to learn more about their foes, and ways to modify the situation in their favor. Eventually, after more than two hours of extensive discussion, they came up with a set of desired questions to be asked of The Source or any other other means to obtain supernatural wisdom. Roy used a powerful divine boon to conjure forth Atanius (sometimes called Athena in other realms, and tragically mistaken for divinity), the great Angel of Wisdom, and asked the first three questions.

  1. What are the consequences if Roisin allows herself to be joined with Rian?
    • Red Rose becomes black, darkness falls, death reigns
  2. What weaknesses does Siobahn have which are unusual for a vampire?
    • None however, the woman it once was fears the Rose.
  3. What weaknesses does Rian have which are unusual for a vampire?
    • Vulnerability to the Rose, a Rose stem stabbed in the chest, fired from a crossbow, still green, thorns destroying evil.
Jeeves used his own divine boon to learn the truth of a single postulate.
  1. Does Roisin's uncle Peddyr plan to betray us?
    • Yes.
Shocked and dismayed by this answer, and the betrayal of Roisin by yet another close relative, Roy then used yet another powerful divine boon to once again summon the angel of wisdom to answer three questions.
  1. What is the substance of Peddyr's betrayal?
    • The Rose's uncle Peddyr plans betrayal. A sacrifice to avenge his wife. First the Rose submits to the dog, blackened, consumed. The dog is distracted opening the door to the throne. A poisoned rose, power taken, a special boon, to kill the throne, and wreck vengeance long denied. Death for all, payment, death for death, betrayal for betrayal. He seeks to kill Siobahn, and to use Roisin's betrayal of her own husband to power that death.
  2. What strengths does Siobahn have which are unusual for a vampire?
    • Pure light of the sun, burns away the evil, but not for this one. For a time, though short, this one can stand in the sun. Hold it long and purity will win eventually. Fools meet the gaze of betrayed death, muscles locked, paralyzed in fear. Noble power, release the hounds. Call forth assistance, dark beasts serve the throne. Unafraid to face the flames the dead suffer not the burns. Death's dark taint defies restraint.
  3. What strengths does Rian have which are unusual for a vampire?
    • Magic power, corruption's gift. Boris equal. Darkness sift. Bewitching gaze made it's charm offer false allies. Beware red cloud, blood draws, death it brings. Corruption's claws destroy with mighty swings.
After these questions, Roy was informed he could not ever call upon Atanius again.
Boris then used a powerful scroll to seek wisdom from the land itself.
  1. What unexpected dangers exist within Siobahn's lair?
    • Boris found himself In a castle and was able to wander about to see the environment for quite a while; carefully memorizing the layout and dangers.
  2. Where are Siobahn's and Rian's nearest resting places?
    • In the crypts beneath that castle. Drawn to 2 of the slabs which do not hold bodies, but which have black candles arrayed about them. The black candles are made from human fat. These are their two "resting places". The slabs aren't next to each other, but they aren't far apart. I'm pretty sure I know the way down. The black candles offend me deeply since they are created only through murder and betrayal. There are many traps. As long as Boris is conscious then everyone has advantage on savings throws vs traps.
  3. What paths exist to allow entry to the castle without facing the dangers of the main gates?
    • There are no less than 22 tunnels Boris is aware of, and he has marked them on his maps. Twenty of these lead to other Donjon's within the Tower Ward of the city; presumably these are the residences of nobles already controlled or turned by Siobahn.

After questions were answered, Boris and Jeeves set out to obtain some supplies. Among more mundane items, including several crossbows, quite a few large thorn-studded rosebush branches, larger arrows for Jeeves, and other basic supplies. At last, the two left the town, heading out into the countryside for a couple hours walk seeking a holy place far enough away that they might have escaped the notice of the vampires. They did, eventually, find a small shrine beside the road. There they met an old woman, ancient by appearance, who claimed to have been preparing supplies to help those who would come to seek this assistance with the purpose of destroying the undying horrors that infested the city. They bargained for blessed holy water, four dozen flasks. They traded a powerful magical scroll for the needed supplies. They also received a pair of blessings. Boris received the ability to bestow ethereal armor upon an ally one time. Jeeves received a blessing of knowledge, understanding the means to medically restore life to one recently deceased, provided the body was not overly damaged. As they received these blessings the ancient woman's countenance and voice shifted to one quite young, and the air around her began to glow slightly and sparkle. The woman bade them depart, and they turned back to the road. Boris turned back a moment later, thinking to gift the woman a Thunder Feather, but all they saw where the large shrine had been was an old grove of trees that appeared to have been there, undisturbed, for centuries. Another traveler on the road approached and asked them what they were looking at. They learned from this person that the grove was called "Old Druid Grove", that it was a local landmark, and they learned the legends of the place as the home, long ago, of an ancient archdruid, part fey if one believed in fairy tales, a being with a special purpose to destroy the undying wherever they might be found. Shaking their heads, the pair turned and made the two hour walk back to town and their friends, wondering at who, exactly, they had just met.

Whispers and Storms
Roisin Marshfield
Report Date
12 Jun 2022


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