Session 80: Dancing Through The Years Report Report in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Session 80: Dancing Through The Years Report

General Summary

Choosing to spend a few years in rest and growth among this protected community, the group began to pursue individual interests.

Roisin chose to relent and date a young halfling gentleman selected by her aunt, approved by uncle Gearold. Over the course of a few months, Roisin became convinced this man was the perfect match for her. Others observed the relationship, and the interactions among their extended family, and agreed the couple were well matched. While there was some conflict within the relationship regarding Roisin's determination to complete her mission and continue her dangerous, possibly deadly, adventures. The two discussed the issues at length, and came to a compromise that once Duke Alathius and his dark advisor were defeated, Roisin would return and the couple would find a quiet and safe place to settle down. On Gearold's birthday, six months after their last adventure, Thomaso proposed to Roisin in front of the entire extended family, and Roisin accepted. A month later, with Boris officiating, and Winston assisting, the formal ceremony was performed, and Roisin and Thomaso were wed. By late winter Roisin began to feel out of sorts, and a few weeks Roisin's aunt pulled her aside and said "I'm not sure if you've realized it yet, but I advise you avoid wine for a few months, as it's not good for the child." After a short conversation Roisin, a little surprised that things had happened so soon, shared the good news with Thomaso. In mid summer, Roisin bore twins, two strong, and extremely loud, boys named Thomaso and Oisin. About nine months later, Roisin realized she was expecting again, and just six months before the group planned to leave, Roisin again gave birth, and entirely shocked when what the clerics said would be two girls, turned out to be three. The girls were named Roisin, Niamh, and Laoise (Lee-sha), in keeping with tradition. Far too soon, the time came for the party to continue their adventures. After a tearful and heart-wrenching farewell, Roisin and The Roses prepared to leave.

Jeeves learned how to use thieves tools and learned the language of the Giants. Jeeves spent the remaining time manufacturing some herbs and alchemy. Boris chose to learn the use of herbalism, calligraphy, and stonemasonry.

Roy sought to learn Draconic, but managed to offend one possible teacher and burn down their orchard. Attempting to persuade Wilderin about the language, Roy ended up manipulating time to prevent another disaster, and did, in fact, persuade her to teach him the language. Roy then sought carpentry, but found one teacher charged too much, and was unwilling to work at manual labor for the other. Roy spent much of the remaining time in research and spell copying, including ensuring that his primary, backup, and secondary backup spellbooks were all completely up to date. Roy then chose to complete a spell he had been delaying for a long time, the extensive ritual needed to call forth a uniquely powerful celestial spirit to act as arcane companion and familiar. Completing the ritual, after eight hours of intensive effort, Roy looked at his familiar Fred, ran his hand over the shell one last time, and cast Fred into the massive brazier. The flames erupted in a pillar of cerulean blue flames that rose a thousand meters into the sky before subsiding, leaving everything, including the massive brazier, consumed and a large ten foot radius bowl shaped depression in the ground where the earth had been melted to a 10 centimeter glass lining. At the bottom of the bowl stood a simple turtle, and the turtle spoke to Roy. "Hello, Roy. My name is Jonas". An invisible hand-shaped field of magical force shook Roy's hand, and the turtle flew up out of the bowl, landing at Roy's feet. Jonas looked around "Well, it's good to meet you, do you have any food?" Roy offered rations, but Jonas expressed a preference for vegetables and fruits. The turtle looked around and said "Well, then, I think I shall stretch my legs a bit", and with a rush suddenly erupted into a massive turtle-like creature with a hard bony back and a tail with a heavy club-like end. The now much bigger Jonas walked over to a tree, and quickly ate the entire tree, taking massive chomps with it's toothy maw. After eating, Jonas expressed a need to burp, and breathed forth a massive cone of fire.

Their time complete, the group gathered at the edge of town, along with Thomaso, Roisin's children, and all of Roisin's extended family, including 70 other children born in their time in this place. After a bit of explanation from The Guardian, a door opened. Through the door could be seen a vineyard, and Thomaso gestured excitedly, telling Roisin that this is their cousins' vineyard where they agreed to meet. Roisin and the Roses would be traveling backward in time by three years, although Thomaso and the others would not, so the Roses would have three years to complete their mission. Gearold and Aunt Caoimhe explained they would stay in this "retirement" community, and Caoimhe reminded Roisin that a sentence was pronounced on Allred and Aoirie, and she was committed to carrying it out. The Guardian closed the first door after the rest of Roisin's family passed through, and looked at Wilderin as Gearold and Caoimhe began their walk back toward the town.

Wilderin asked Roy to take her apprentice with him, to which Roy agreed, and then called her apprentice forward. After an intense conversation with her apprentice, she loudly announced he was dismissed, and ordered him to leave. The Guardian then opened another doorway, and beyond could be seen a field just outside of the city of Kraelebig. Stepping through, the party found themselves looking over a scene of utter ruin, smoke from funeral pyres, death, and destruction everywhere with strange insectoid creatures crawling over every part of the ruins. The voice of The Guardian came to them. "As I assured you, you will lose no time." The view shimmered and they found themselves standing on a well maintained road, outside a strong and intact city, and saw a litter being carried by many servants, and upon that litter they observed Allred and Aoirie clearly visible, and far too involved in each other to notice anything going on around them.

Whispers and Storms
Roisin Marshfield
Report Date
28 Jul 2022


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