Session 73: A Moonlight Sonata Report Report in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Session 73: A Moonlight Sonata Report

General Summary

The party awoke in the morning, and spent much of the morning exploring the town including Roisin Marshfield being corraled by her cousins Krastin and Kastrin, who spent several hours trying to persuade the princess that their very odd, and likely insane, ideas about a government where the common folk choose representatives and the government is considered a servant of the populace rather than the more "proper" structure where the people serve their rightful rulers. Roisin Marshfield finally left their company in the early afternoon, fully convinced that her cousins had lost their faculties in their old age. Deciding to visit Wilderin after a late lunch, the group headed to Wilderin's tower. Before they could swing the knocker on the massive wooden door the gargoyle face holding the knocker said "no need, she's expecting you" and the door opened for them. Entering the space beyond the party realized Wilderin had redecorated and what had been a cozy living room was now a massive marble collonade in classical greek style. Wilderin came down a large staircase, and some discussion ensued about whether Jeeves would have Wilderin restore his missing arm, or he would ask the local cleric to do so the next day. Jeeves finally decided to wait for the next day. After Roy visited his spellbook, to continue forming further attachment, the party asked a few questions. Jeeves asked, again, how to return to the valley, and received again the answer that they would need to ask the Guardian about such things. Roy asked how to transport liquid fire from the Phoenix Fountain. Wilderin's initial suggestion was unworkable, as they lacked the ability to manipulate reality by force of will. Wilderin then spoke to her spellbook (a ghostly image of a tiny elven scribe) then went over to a table and, with the help of her spellbook, created a scroll to assist Roy in the matter. Explaining the scroll Wilderin described the spell "Item", and Roy then returned the scroll as he already knew the spell. Roy then asked about the teleportation sigil sequences, and Wilderin was happy to explain the destinations. While describing these, Wilderin mentioned one that leads to a high class bath house called the "Perfumed Palace" in Borelius' Boast. Roisin Marshfield expressed great interest in this place, so Wilderin teleported Roisin Marshfield there on the spot. They also discussed the more dangerous locations, like The lair of Slursithiss "The Silent Death", Reveler's Rest (a graveyard in the Korth Steppe), and the Iron Fortress. They spoke of other items, of the difference between fey and celestial spirits for familiars, suggestion to trade the pound of vampire dust Roy has for something more appropriate to his goals for his familiar, and a bit about the "Throne of Hell" and some other magical accidents they had encountered over time. Wilderin, before heading off to her evening meal, used a more powerful version of "Item" ("Fameril's Figurine") to transform quite a number of wild chameleons into tiny figurines for easier transport and use in magical spells. Roy gathered some food, and conjured another hidden lodge; although he considered the use of resources and decided he would want to construct a more permanent home soon to avoid spending so much nightly.

Whispers and Storms
Roisin Marshfield
Report Date
27 Feb 2022


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