Session 66: The road to Perdition Report Report in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Session 66: The road to Perdition Report

General Summary

The day had come to leave Sudafell. Roy and Roisin Marshfield had spent time in the city's formal bathouse. Jeeves spent time trying to craft some alchemy, with mixed results. Ulfred had settled his affairs, and Boris had hallowed the city graveyard. Roy took one last tour through the market the day before, and encountered a powerful mage, a bugbear in a weak illusion of human form. The encounter was tempting, an opportunity to trade a vice for a powerful divine boon, but Roy chose to retain his vices for now. Roy also learned a little about inflexible legal authorities and the consequences of using government force to achieve a dubious goal. The party discussed for a bit whether to hire a ship or conjure one. In the end they chose to ask Roy to teleport them instead. Roy couldn't find all of his notes, but the group chose to take a chance between two options they thought might be reasonable. Arriving in a peaceful grove protected by powerful magic both divine and arcane, they looked out and decided they were a short distance outside the city they sought, then took an hour to rest and explore this grove to have a better understanding of the place. Discussing their plan; mostly to keep to themselves and be as inconspicuous as possible with two hairless/toothless/nailless men (one with a single tentacle arm), another with a ten foot neck, a fairly normal human, and a halfling princess. A short discussion about Roisin Marshfield's Uncle "Bear" and Aunt "Deer", who ruled this city last time Roisin Marshfield visited followed. Eventually the group agreed to enter the city to see what the situation might be before deciding firmly what to do next. They also tried to remember the name of their contact in this city, but came to the conclusion they had not been given a name; only a title and minimal description.

Approaching the city via road, they saw a double-row of pikes, three occupied, offering warning to any potential criminal. Suitably uncomfortable after passing the grisly display, the group moved forward to the city gate. On seeing the princess, the guards immediately stiffened, saluted, and asked Roisin Marshfield if she needed a van, a runner to the palace, or any other assistance. They also informed Roisin Marshfield that her cousin Allred was in charge of the palace upon which Roisin Marshfield asked after her uncle and aunt. Then, clearly trying to precisely repeat an official statement and stuttering a bit, the guard stated that "The Duke and Duchess are known to be foul conspirators against the emperor, and have fled Justice, but Justice will find them and bring them to face the wrath of the just".

Finally moving on through the gate, it took seconds to realize that their destination must be the building near the center of town shaped like a gigantic hammer, with silver decorations and a bell tower. Roisin Marshfield explained to the rest of the party how much of a visious bully Allred was (very unlike the rest of his family, other than his younger sister Aoirie, who was worse). Walking through the city, passing one of many coal-fired smelters, a troop of Justicars in their trademark half-plate armor wordlessly formed up around the group. One stepped forward, dropped to one knee, and said "Princess, I have been sent to bring you to the Cold Heart of Justice, where you will face judgement. *gulp* Please come quietly with your companions." Roisin Marshfield agreed, and he stood, then made a hard left to walk down a different road as the guards followed along surrounding the group. The soldier turned down an alley as the troop formed up at the entrance while the group proceeded within. Reaching the end of this dead-end alley, the leader turned, faced them, said "Ah, we're all here. Good, good, uh, pardon me. Just wait here, it will only take a moment" He stepped past them and exited the alley, ignoring the group's queries as to what might be happening here, and departed.

A silver feathered hummingbird buzzed around in the confines of this small alleyway, the late summer heat beginning to turn stifling. Roisin Marshfield complained about the buzzing, and the hummingbird flew a short distance away, then transformed into a tall human woman with long silver hair and steel-grey eyes, clad in silvered full plate, and wielding a massive poleaxe with what must have been a 20 pound (19kg) head.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Was the buzzing bothering you, princess?

Roisin Marshfield: It was

The Cold Heart of Justice : I don't care.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Why have you brought us to this alley?

The Cold Heart of Justice : You are charged with various crimes. I determine if you are guilty of those crimes, and, if necessary, apply proper punishment. Your family was attempting to bring you to the palace before I could stand in judgement. I don't appreciate that, so that is not in your favor. Well, let's see... Roisin Marshfield, you are charged with Jeeves interrupts, half choking on his words mass murder, with murder, with...Silence, Peon... Where was I? With mass murder, murder, Corruption, and Fratricide, yes.

Roisin Marshfield: Hehehehehe

The Cold Heart of Justice : for killing your younger brother.

Roisin Marshfield: Whaaa?

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes, you killed your younger brother, you killed one of your aunts, three of your uncles, you killed over a thousand people in Triliobarn, and...Let's see, Oh yes, the massacre in Sevrenton, where you murdered, butchered, and fed to your friends, among others, the entire population of the city, over three thousand souls.

The Cold Heart of Justice : So! Will you submit to questioning?

Boris: Yes

Roisin Marshfield: Yes

Roy : Are you charging all of us?

The Cold Heart of Justice : I am charging Roisin Marshfield with her crimes, I will charge you with yours later.

Boris: OK, I will wait, then.

Roy : Just trying to understand who's being charged and who's not.

The Cold Heart of Justice : You all, all of you, everyone here, is charged with some crime or other.

Roisin Marshfield: Really?

The Cold Heart of Justice : If you will submit to questioning, I will invoke the appropriate divine ritual. /The woman gestured, and divine magic filled the space, compelling all present to speak in response to questioning, and to only speak truth to the best and fullest of their ability. Roy resisted, but failed in the face of the power of this magic./

The Cold Heart of Justice : Very well, Roisin Marshfield, did you kill your younger brother?

Roisin Marshfield: No

shakes her head

The Cold Heart of Justice : Take the ring off.

Roisin Marshfield removes the ring of mind shielding and immediately feels her mind constrained.

The Cold Heart of Justice : I'll ask you again, did you kill your younger brother? Roisin Marshfield: No.

The Cold Heart of Justice looked shocked.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Did you participate in the massacre at Sevrenton?

Roisin Marshfield: No.

The Cold Heart of Justice : How many persons did you kill at Triliobarn?

Roisin Marshfield: Two.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Two? Why did you kill them?

Roisin Marshfield: They were trying to kill me and consume me with acid.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Were you injured?

Roisin Marshfield: Yes

The Cold Heart of Justice : How is it you are unharmed now?

Roisin Marshfield: I got it fixed

The Cold Heart of Justice : By whom?

Roisin Marshfield: A giant celestial being

The Cold Heart of Justice : Being?

Roisin Marshfield: Snake

The Cold Heart of Justice : Giant celestial snake?, I see, an Andrejnyi, there are only two of those that I am aware of. Did you visit the Black Docks?

Roisin Marshfield: Yes...

The Cold Heart of Justice : How is it you are no longer a member of that community.

Roisin Marshfield: We were approved to leave

The Cold Heart of Justice : I see.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Jeeves , you are accused of many crimes, most of which are outside of my jurisdiction, and I am told you have paid for those.

Jeeves : You know about that!

The Cold Heart of Justice looked into Jeeves eyes, and he became terrified, paralyzed with fear.

The Cold Heart of Justice : What was your participation in the massacre at Sevrenton?

Jeeves : Sevrenton?

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes, where you killed thousands.

Jeeves : I don't know that place.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Personally bathed in the blood of innocents?

Jeeves : Uhhhh I don't remember being in that place, nor doing that either.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Interesting.

The Cold Heart of Justice : How many people did you kill at Triliobarn?

Jeeves : I killed nobody.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Interesting.

The Cold Heart of Justice : And the young child, of the rulers of Arenfell? Did you not murder the child and drink it's blood in public?

Jeeves : Not me, no.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Interesting.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Boris! How long ago did you murder your sister?

Boris: I did not murder her. But Roisin Marshfield's father did.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Interesting.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Roy .

Roy : Yes

The Cold Heart of Justice : When was the last time you transformed a male into a female for the purpose of abusing their body?

Roy : I have never done so.

Her eyes opened very wide

The Cold Heart of Justice : It appears I have been misinformed.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Ulfred! You murdered the commander of the watch, did you not? Not two days ago?

Ulfred: What? I just spoke with him naught but three days ago. I did not kill him, has he passed?

The Cold Heart of Justice : He was murdered, flayed, and his skin, surprisingly intact, laid out with the words 'Sudafell will suffer' written in the blood of the corpse left below it. But you know this, you did it.

Ulfred: No, I do not know this, and no I did not do it.

The Cold Heart of Justice : I see

The Cold Heart of Justice focused for a moment

The Cold Heart of Justice : Well... This changes things quite a bit.

Roisin Marshfield: You've been misinformed.

Roy : If that is the perception of us, we need your help.

The Cold Heart of Justice : It's not the perception, it is the accusations. I will ask you series of simple questions.

Roy . Have you committed any crimes which would normally warrant a punishment of death or eternal damnation?

Roy : I don't believe so, that's complicated.

The Cold Heart of Justice : How?

Roy : There are things I've done that could be considered a crime, but they were not ill intended.

The Cold Heart of Justice : hmmm

The Cold Heart of Justice : Have you done anything since meeting Roisin Marshfield.

Roy : Well, Uhh, Did you hear about the incident with a void sphere near the citadel.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes.

Roy : I was responsible for that.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes, that was not a criminal act.

Roy : OK, well people died, so it depends on how you define it.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes, that was a regrettable, but necessary event. Those who died were engaged in crimes for which the punishment is death, and you, by virtue of your mark, were acting as duly authorized agent of the state to execute them for their arcane crimes, as per the Code of Cai'Relion.

Roy : Yes, the consequences of my actions were much greater than I anticipated.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Yes, a few innocents were caught in the fallout, an unavoidable consequence of dealing with major violations of that code, part of the reason the code is so strictly enforced.

Roy : You're not wrong, but I do accept responsibility for my actions, and I did not wish to deceive you in any way.

The Cold Heart of Justice : I appreciate that

Roisin Marshfield. Have you, to your knowledge, committed any crimes which would normally warrant a punishment of death or eternal damnation, other than acts committed while under the compulsion of your father or his master?

Roisin Marshfield: No

Boris. Since regaining control of your own mind, we'll not discuss the incident with your sister; have you, to your knowledge, committed any crimes which would normally warrant a punishment of death or eternal damnation?

Boris: No.

Jeeves . Since meeting Carver, for the first time. Have you, to your knowledge, committed any crimes which would normally warrant a punishment of death or eternal damnation?

Jeeves : Does carrying poison count as worthy of death?

The Cold Heart of Justice : No, Using it against the innocent would be. Poison is used against monsters all the time.

Jeeves : I don't think I did that, so no.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Ulfred. Within the span of memory available to you, and you should know that much of your memory is locked away from you; have you, to your knowledge, committed any crimes which would normally warrant a punishment of death or eternal damnation?

Ufred: Not to my knowledge.

Here Ulfred's mind began to spin in a spiral of overload as he contemplated all the things he thought were true and are not, and all the myriad possibilities of what might be lost to the fog of deception filling his mind

The Cold Heart of Justice : Very well, I hope that soon you will be able to recover some fragment of your true memory..More's the pity.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Well. It seems that I have been vastly misinformed. We shall have to have a discussion with your cousins, Roisin Marshfield. mumbling from Roisin Marshfield and Jeeves We will also have to find out who is capable of intercepting a Communion with The Source, as I would not have come here without checking that first.

Roisin Marshfield: I have an idea

Roy : Um, before this goes to far, or I suppose before we're separated, There is also some things we'd like to discuss with you, if possible.

The Cold Heart of Justice : I understand.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Roisin Marshfield, Who?

Roisin Marshfield: uhhhhhhhhh

The Cold Heart of Justice : You said you have an idea.

Roisin Marshfield: I have an idea, it could be the person who is controlling my father.

The Cold Heart of Justice : That is... Possible. Somewhat improbably, more likely the one behind that being. It bodes ill indeed if that one is taking an active role.

Roisin Marshfield: Yeah

The Cold Heart of Justice : Our time is limited, do you have business in town.

Roisin Marshfield: Business with you.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Fortunate. Will you trust me?

Roisin Marshfield: Ummmmmm... As much as I can right now.

The Cold Heart of Justice : I suppose that will have to do. Gather close and link arms.

Roisin Marshfield: Link arms.

Boris: Link up.

The Cold Heart of Justice linked arms with Ulfred and Roy , the rest linked in a circle

The woman bowed her head and concentrated for a moment, everyone felt a "gone" sensation, reality turned inside out, upside-down, and twisted wildly. Suddenly everyone was elsewhere, a large chamber constructed of soft blue-white stone-like material. Light coming from everywhere and nowhere at once; likely the effects of a powerful cleric hallowing the space.

Tapestries all over the walls depict paladins standing against fiends of all sorts, always heavily outnumbered. A few even depect troops of paladins, a few against thousands. Thick carpets cover much of the floors. The chamber is perhaps an hundred feet wide, eighty feet tall, and over two hundred feet long. At one end rises, upon a raised dais, a massive pile of coin and treasure piled into the shape of a divan, mostly of silver appearance, rising twenty feet above the dais and another twenty feet for the back. The woman walked over toward this massive pile of coin, and began to take off her armor.

Roy : Guess I didn't have to ask.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Ask what?

Roy : Oh, I was hoping we could see your true form.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Your intuition serves you well, I haven't been home in quite a while. Give me a minute here. There is an antechamber over there /gestures/ where you may rest for a short time.

The group filed into the indicated chamber, the door closing behind them. 15 minutes later a voice from the other room told them they could return, and the door opened.

Now, lounging upon the divan of treasure, is a massive, more massive than one might imagine, silver dragon. As they walk in, the dragon looked to them.

The Cold Heart of Justice : Well, I assume my old friend the Copper Bolt sent you. How is the old bastard?

Whispers and Storms
Roisin Marshfield
Report Date
11 Dec 2021


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