Session 53: Home is where you find it Report Report in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Session 53: Home is where you find it Report

General Summary

Choosing to press on after their friend was imprisoned, the party made their way through a long series of corridors and passageways, some of them partially or completely collapsed. Along the way the party encountered a few oozes that were easily avoided, and a corpse. The equipment of this corpse, via an Object Reading, revealed that this was one of a group of companions who entered the complex within the past few months and might have come from a large farming community with a giant crystal shard like a tower south of the town. They also began to notice that the corridors through which they traveled were oddly clean, without even dust. Boris looked around, searching for any oozes in the area, and discovered that Roisin Marshfield, Jeeves , and Boris had all been hosting tiny oozes called Dipsa, which had been consuming their life force for some time, leaving all three significantly weakened.

Roy started off by using a necrotic cantrip against the ooze on Boris, causing it severe harm. Roy also moved aside, and discovered another threat as a large ooze that had been well hidden above, dropped down and engulfed him, so Roy misty stepped out of the ooze, accidentally bringing three dismembered arms encased in amber along for the ride. Roisin Marshfield ordered Roy to attack, dealing severe damage to the creature draining her life. Jeeves struck the same creature in coordination, stabbing it. Roisin Marshfield then moved aside, and discovered that moving while one of these creatures was attached was not pleasant. Jeeves used a shocking grasp to damage the creature on his back, then moved aside, taking some damage from the Dipsa on his back as he moved. SixOfEighteen conjured a bonfire under the large ooze, and the ooze grew, becoming huge, so SixOfEighteen stopped concentrating. SixOfEighteen and Boris were engulfed as the creature grew. SixOfEighteen also swung his magic sword and tore a small bit of the ooze off, then surged with energy and tried to break free, but could not get loose. The Dipsa on Boris and Jeeves further injured them both, then the amber ooze attacked SixOfEighteen and Boris, hitting Boris. Roy considered using magic for a suggestion, but thought better of it as these creatures wouldn't understand the words. Roy , instead, attacked the Dipsa on Roisin Marshfield with a cantrip, destroying it, then ordered Jeeves to move out of the way. Roisin Marshfield ordered Jeeves to attack, and Jeeves used a cantrip on the one draining him, damaging it heavily. Boris tried to strike the creature engulfing him in coordination, but could not harm it. Jeeves then moved aside as the creature drained more of his strength, then used the same necrotic cantrip to damage the creature, but the thing managed to resist. SixOfEighteen tried again to break free, and succeeded this time. Boris likewise tore free of the creature, but the Dipsa on his back extracted a toll for moving aside. Boris then summoned a spiritual weapon to smash the Dipsa on his back. The Dipsa drained more of Boris health, and the one on Jeeves drained more of Jeeves health. The amber ooze attacked SixOfEighteen twice, but SixOfEighteen used a shield spell to block the attacks. The ooze then engulfed SixOfEighteen and Jeeves , but Jeeves stepped aside, losing more health to the leech-like ooze on his back. Roy stepped forward and launched a bolt of force at the Amber ooze, blasting the creature, although some of the damage did transfer to SixOfEighteen. Roisin Marshfield ordered Jeeves to attack, and he used the same cantrip on the ooze draining his health; destroying it. Boris, in coordination, smashed the creature on his back with his hammer. Jeeves then used the same cantrip again, this time against the amber ooze, damaging it well. The amber ooze pulsed with anger and lashed out at every creature within reach, battering them, but thanks to Roisin Marshfield's inspiring leadership nobody was severely injured. Jeeves backed up, dodging the creature's attack. SixOfEighteen attacked, slashing the creature from within, and Boris threw his hammer at the creature, causing it to burst and collapse into a massive pool of sap which quickly flowed into the ground. As this was happening, Jeeves continued to back up, and failed to pay attention, stepping into a dangerous zone where a bolt of magical lightning erupted across the room, thoroughly electrocuting Jeeves , leaving nothing but a smoking corpse. Boris rushed up to Jeeves and called upon The Source to revive Jeeves , bringing his friend back from beyond the veil.

SixOfEighteen looked at what fell out from the ooze, and examined the twelve bodies with a strange obsession to discover the origin of the dead and somehow try to make right their death. Roy conjured the luxury space within a tent that he uses routinely, but the process consumed a script he had read, and triggered a surge of wild magic that removed all bone from his right arm allowing him to use it normally but also bend, roll, and otherwise move it around in ways that could never be done with bones. Roy actually exited the tent and conjured the Wilderness Ward to protect the tent and the many items that fell out of the ooze. Roy was awoken several times that night as large oozes crawled over the dome and a couple of gelatinous cubes bumped into the dome before moving back away. By morning the amber encasing these things had melted away, revealing quite a bit of useful equipment. The group in the tent, awoke to the smell of a delicious breakfast and discovered that SixOfEighteen had stayed up all night cooking. SixOfEighteen also left the tent and brought breakfast to Roy , who conjured an unseen servant to take care of feeding him. SixOfEighteen again showed a mild obsession with identifying the dead, and tried very hard to find some identifying papers on the corpses, but did not find anything. Looking for valuables SixOfEighteen decided there was nothing of value on these corpses. Roy , not believing it, conducted his own search and found considerable coin, valuable gems, and some magical herbs, alchemy, calligraphy. amd potions; as well as a scroll.


Moving forward, carefully, Boris used divine magic to sense the presence of traps, finding there were several within line of sight that offered threats like death, transit to other planes, fire, lightning, and petrification. Sensing magic, Boris found traps on two columns, stairs, a line across the room, on the ceiling, and two doors. Boris then dispelled the magic of the lightning trap in the line across the room, and attempted the trap on the stairs which turned out to be a symbol of death and beyond Boris current capability. Boris tried to dispel the symbol above their heads, and almost caused himself and Roy to be transported to some other place, but both resisted. Roy dispelled the magic on one pillar, which caused the pillar to transit to some other plane. Fortunately the pillars were ornamental, not structural. Roy then turned to the other pillar and dispelled the magic there, learning it would have filled the room with fire had it not been dealt with. Realizing they could not remove at least one trap, Roy conjured a watcher ward, where everyone but SixOfEighteen took shelter, then SixOfEighteen walked forward. Boris placed a death ward on SixOfEighteen to hopefully protect the self-aware construct from disaster. SixOfEighteen strode forward, and as he passed the stairs, an explosion of dark energy drained much of his life force. SixOfEighteen, undaunted, continued forward and tried to kick in a door, fell on his back, and was blasted by a beam of blinding radiant light that would have destroyed him but for Boris' spell of protection. Boris started forward but SixOfEighteen did not wait and turned, then kicked the door so hard that it flew back and tore through the next door, triggering a trap on that door that did no harm as SixOfEighteen was not close enough. Boris now rushed out and began to heal SixOfEighteen. Jeeves , likewise, came out to heal their friend. Then the group chose to take a short rest to catch their breath and finish healing SixOfEighteen. Roy also gave Boris the gift of Alacrity before focusing his energies to recover a portion of his expended arcane power. SixOfEighteen seemed to experience on of his occasional events and took two wands out of his chest compartment; a wand of secrets for Boris, and a wand of conducting for Jeeves.

Rested, and ready for more, the group looked to the next challenge as they explored this long-lost underground complex.

Rewards Granted


  • 3 x Carnelian (347 gp)
  • 3 x Chalcedony (389 gp)
  • 2 x Moonstone (391 gp)
  • 2 x Onyx (371 gp)
  • 1 x Quartz (426 gp)
  • 2 x Sardonyx (385 gp)
  • 4 x Diamond (403 gp)
  • 3 x Black opal (1032 gp)
  • 1 x Emerald (1111 gp)
  • 3 x Opal (1135 gp)
  • 3 x Yellow sapphire (1037 gp)
  • 2 x Diamond (1071 gp)
  • 4 x Blue sapphire (1137 gp)
  • 2 x Emerald (1109 gp)
  • 3 x Fire opal (1140 gp)
  • 4 x Opal (1160 gp)
  • 2 x Star ruby (1050 gp)
  • 2 x Star sapphire (1108 gp)

3 herbs

  • Sweetvine
  • Golian Heart Moss
  • Nightbloom Root

4 alchemy

  • Boromun's Boast(Basic)
  • Mor'thi'nelin's Mending(Basic)
  • Ferryn's Friend Finder(Advanced)
  • Catoblepas Calumny(Advanced)

1 calligraphy

  • Paper Insects

1 vial of poison

  • Poison: Admixture: when injected (via weapon or otherwise) Poisoned and Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws for 1 minute.

1 spell scroll 4 spells

  • 4 Giant Insect)
  • 4 Deva’s wings)
  • 5 Exsanguinate)
  • 5 Instant fortification

1 potion.

  • Potion of Vitality

1 Wand of Secrets

1 Wand of Conducting

Whispers and Storms
Roisin Marshfield
Report Date
22 Aug 2021


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