
The wind was high and Tadow was almost pushed off the slender wooden board he was standing on. The crowd yelled at him. Jump, they screamed in unison over and over again. He would but not yet.   Tadow stood there but felt no remorse for his actions. He turned to face the people that sentenced him to death. He took a moment to listen to the winds.   He fell backwards over the edge and began to plummet towards the Floor. But he saw it. Rishmik, his ketzlat, was gliding below. Rishmik caught him in her huge beak. How glad he was she realized it was him and didn't eat him whole. Tadow climbed into the saddle and directed Rishmik up.   Rishmik flapped her huge leathery wings and the force almost knocked the rider out of the saddle. Tadow took her back to the island so all the villagers could see. Rishmik ate a whole sheep in one go. That is the least they could do for trying to kill him.   Tadow thought how lucky he was to have such a great partner. Such a scary partner. And such a useful one.

Basic Information


Ketzlat have wings. The leathery material stretches from the wing tip all the way down to the outside of the leg. They possess massive wingspans in order to achieve flight.   The beak of a fully grown ketzlat is taller than a grown human or tengu.

Genetics and Reproduction

An adult ketzlat female lays one egg during the spring. The egg hatches about 120 days after it is layed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ketzlat young gain the ability to fly around 80 days after birth but don't become independent hunters until they are over a year old.   A ketzlat reaches adulthood at about twenty years of age and can live to be around 200.

Ecology and Habitats

Ketzlat hunt land animals by swooping down, landing on, and crushing them. They can also just fly by and pick up animals, or sentients and swallow them whole.   Their natural habitat is mountainous regions. Some have been domesticated and they can be found in many regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ketzlat eat prey whole. As winter approaches they will catch prey, kill it, and leave it in the snow for later.

Additional Information


Domesticated ketzlat have been bred to be mounts. They have stronger necks and subdued colouration. They are not required to eat as often as wild ones but must eat as much or more due to their labour.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ketzlat can be found in many of the sky islands. They are not found on cold islands and on islands without moderate or large sized animals.

Average Intelligence

Ketzlat are capable of learning and adapting to different situations. This makes them suitable for training.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ketzlat possess a keen sense of eyesight but have a limited olfactory sense. Their hearing is among the finest.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.
Average Height
8.1 meters (standing)
Average Weight
760 kilograms
Average Length
10.3 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ketzlat vary in colouration and markings by region. Domesticated ketzlat tend to be more subdued in colour favouring browns and grays.

Cover image: Quetzalcoatlus Northropi by Mark Witton and Darren Naish


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