Imogen Petry Character in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Imogen Petry

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Is a very skinny and muscle-defined woman with an incredible acrobatic and dextrous ability (although not so much in her old age)

Facial Features

Has sharp and noble facial traits that almost look elvish

Special abilities

Has regular magical abilities that are usually given by her god, Ravinus. Although, she is much more powerful than the regular clerics, paladins and warlocks of the organization.

Specialized Equipment

She has a +3 rapier she calls "Light Sting"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • (46) Was born in the Nobles' District in Byen Engler 
  • (61) Joined the Order of the Eagle 
  • (66) Branched off and joined the mysterious and secret Order of the Raven 
  • (93) Fought in the Battle for Byen Engler 
  • (99) Became the leader of the Order of the Raven as the previous one died in a battle of the War of Doom 
  • (131) Died peacefully in her bed. A privilige few Ravens are able to


Has received a decent and extensive private education when she was growing up.
Current Status
Leading the Order of the Raven
Current Location
46 ABE 131 ABE
Place of Death
Almond lightbrown
Almond lightbrown, same color as the eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations