Order of the Eagle Organization in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Order of the Eagle (Órder ofi de Igol)

The Order of the Eagle is the main group of Ravinus' chosen clerics and paladins of Gielinor. Despite being a millenar order created by the elves, it is now based in Byen Engler, the fast-growing human capital. Their HQ is located in the center of the city, near the town square. Grandarf, the order's leader, remains on this place at all times. She dommands the troops through here.   The Order's field agents are the ones that really do the job. There's nothing more protective and supportive than a Eagle Cleric. Eagle Paladins are pretty common in the Order's rank. If one of these vengeful fighters cross your path, start praying to the nearest god.   The Supreme Mentor's name is the dwarf paladin Grandarf. She's a just and fair leader that succesfully leading the Order into a glorious and rightheous path. Jurubeba, her beloved warhammer, is always at her back should he ever needs it.   Like the Ravens, the Eagles only goal is to prevent Amled's return into the world, and of course to fight him should the time arise. This Order was imensly important in Amled's War Against the Living, for it's brave shieldmaidens and watchful protecotrs fought bravely agaisnt the Undying's endless minion hordes.


Supreme Mentor - Leader Mentors - Teachers Shields - Field Agents Appretinces - Field trainees Initiates - Trainees

Public Agenda

The Order of the Eagle has a single goal: Defend the people of Lindrinor from all that is "bad" in the world.


Paladins and Clerics

Granted Divine Powers

The paladins and clerics of this Order are usually associated with light. Paladins of devotion, watchers and glory may be found here, while clerics of light, order and life can be found amongst the order's ranks.
Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Eagles; Lightbringes
Subsidiary Organizations


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